Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 44 72 61.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
21 0 0 4 defined $_[0] and $_[0] =~ /^\w+$/
22 0 4 0 defined $_[1] and !ref($_[1]) || ref $_[1] eq 'ARRAY' || ref $_[1] eq 'HASH' && $_[1]{'tree'} && $_[1]{'macro'}
37 0 0 5 @_ == 1 and defined $_[0]
0 0 5 @_ == 1 and defined $_[0] and not ref $_[0]
44 0 0 665 defined $next_indent and $lines[$i] =~ /^\s*$/
126 1095 400 835 @output and $output[-1]{'type'} eq 'text'
207 560 35 0 @_ == 2 and !ref($_[1]) eq 'ARRAY'
218 590 1505 0 defined $prev_i and $i == $prev_i
355 5 15 5 $section eq 'quote' and ($bq_indent, $bq_content) = $lines[$i] =~ /^\-( +)(.*?)$/
397 90 105 45 defined $block_type and my($block_line) = $lines[$i] =~ /^$block_indent( +.*?)\s*$/
452 155 10 25 defined $arg_block_name and my($block_line) = $lines[$i] =~ /^$block_indent( +.*?)\s*$/
491 5 620 30 @output and $output[-1]{'type'} eq 'space'
527 480 405 105 @output and $output[-1]{'type'} eq 'paragraph'
557 0 0 4 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' and $_[0]{'tree'}
0 0 4 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' and $_[0]{'tree'} and $_[0]{'macro'}
601 316 780 324 @$node == 1 and $$node[0]{'type'} eq 'paragraph'
640 8 0 16 @{$$node{'content'};} == 1 && $$node{'content'}[0]{'type'} eq 'paragraph'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
181 25 0 $2 // ''
233 5 0 $meta_value // ''
334 0 10 $h_depth || 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
22 2 0 2 !ref($_[1]) || ref $_[1] eq 'ARRAY' || ref $_[1] eq 'HASH' && $_[1]{'tree'} && $_[1]{'macro'}
122 0 0 1155 @_ or not defined $text
0 0 1155 @_ or not defined $text or ref $text
157 110 0 40 $2 // $4
206 0 0 595 @_ < 1 or @_ > 2