Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 46 79 58.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
735 0 7 3 $fscore and not $mscore
736 0 7 0 $mscore and not $fscore
832 60 49 7 not $in =~ /,/ and $in =~ /^(.*?\s)((?:[A-Z][\-\.\s]{0,2}){1,3})$/
860 49 0 0 $lastname =~ /^Jr\.?$/i and $#bits > -1
867 2 47 5 defined $bits[-1] and $bits[-1] =~ /^$PREFIXES$/i
965 0 0 3 $silly >= 2 and $#tokens % 2 == 1
1005 38 0 0 defined $_[-1] and $_[-1] eq 'reverse'
1016 55 0 2 /^([A-Z](\.|\s|$)\s?)+$/ and $#new > -1
1073 0 14 0 defined $a and defined $b
1178 21 1 21 length $a > 1 && length $b > 1
1250 0 0 58 $n =~ /[a-z]/ and not $n =~ /[A-Z]{2, } [A-Z]{2,}/
1323 0 0 0 $variation =~ /-/ and $alias =~ / /
1324 0 0 0 $variation =~ / / and $alias =~ /-/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
677 628 1668 $ABBREVIATIONS{$a} ||= {}
679 628 1668 $ABBREVIATIONS_LC{lc $a} ||= {}
700 6 2 $commonMaleFirstnames{$name} || 0
7 1 $commonFemaleFirstnames{$name} || 0
705 5 2 $commonSurnames{$name} || 0
710 3 3 $percentLimit ||= 0
715 2 3 $percentLimit ||= 0
1039 0 0 $f ||= ''
1040 0 0 $l ||= ''
1097 12 0 $firsta || ''
1098 12 0 $firstb || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
734 10 0 1 $fscore or $mscore
1108 17 2 6 $i <= $#at or $i <= $#bt
1244 30 23 5 $n =~ /,/ or $n =~ /\w \w/
1325 0 0 0 $variation =~ /-/ or $alias =~ /-/
1326 0 0 0 $variation =~ / / or $alias =~ / /
1438 1 3 56 $txt =~ /\b[A-Z]{2,}\b/ or $txt =~ /\b[a-z]{4,}\b/