Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 18 33 54.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
38 1 10 0 &_section_now_reading($this) && &_section_now_reading($this) =~ /^A/
12 0 11 $line =~ /^\s*\#(.*)$/ and not &_section_now_reading($this) && &_section_now_reading($this) =~ /^A/
49 0 1 5 &_section_now_reading($this) and &_section_now_reading($this) =~ /^[VWPC]/
106 4 1 0 not &_section_now_reading($this) and substr($flag, 0, 1) ne 'V'
110 1 4 0 &_section_now_reading($this) and &_section_already_read($this, substr($flag, 0, 1))
143 1 1 0 not $not_first and $$c[0] ne 'DEPT'
2 0 0 not $not_first and $$c[0] ne 'DEPT' and $$c[0] ne 'DEPTH'
1 0 0 not $not_first and $$c[0] ne 'DEPT' and $$c[0] ne 'DEPTH' and $$c[0] ne 'TIME'
175 2 0 0 $line =~ /^\s*\~(.*)$/ and &_process_flag($this, $1)
187 0 3 1 looks_like_number($columns[$i]) and $columns[$i] == $$this{'NULL VALUE'}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
159 0 1 0 $data =~ /YES\s*/ or $data =~ /NO\s*/