Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 74 63.5

line true false branch
23 0 1 unless $source
26 1 0 if $this->_parse_downto_section_A_beginning_flag
33 0 1 unless $$this{'source'}->opened
38 11 12 if ($line =~ /^\s*\#(.*)$/ and not &_section_now_reading($this) && &_section_now_reading($this) =~ /^A/)
43 6 6 if ($line =~ /^\s*\~(.*)$/)
44 5 1 if (&_process_flag($this, $1))
45 1 4 if &_section_now_reading($this) =~ /^A/
49 5 1 if (&_section_now_reading($this) and &_section_now_reading($this) =~ /^[VWPC]/)
50 0 5 unless $line =~ /^\s*([^\s\.\:]*)\s*\.([^\s\:]*)\s+(.*)\:([^\:]*)$/
58 0 1 unless &_section_already_read($this, 'W')
59 0 1 unless &_section_already_read($this, 'C')
60 0 1 unless &_section_already_read($this, 'A')
62 0 1 unless substr(&_section_now_reading($this), 0, 1) eq 'A'
73 0 0 unless $k =~ /^Section $section/
80 3 56 if $#{$$this{'sections_read'};} < 0
88 3 27 if substr($s, 0, 1) eq $section
102 1 5 unless ($flag =~ /^[VWPCOA]/)
106 0 5 if not &_section_now_reading($this) and substr($flag, 0, 1) ne 'V'
108 0 5 if &_section_already_read($this, 'A')
110 0 5 if &_section_now_reading($this) and &_section_already_read($this, substr($flag, 0, 1))
127 1 1 if $$v[0] eq 'VERS'
129 1 1 if $$v[0] eq 'WRAP'
132 0 1 unless $$this{'LAS VERSION'}
133 0 1 unless $$this{'WRAP AROUND MODE'}
136 1 0 if $$w[0] eq 'NULL'
139 0 1 unless $$this{'NULL VALUE'}
143 0 0 if not $not_first and $$c[0] ne 'DEPT' and $$c[0] ne 'DEPTH' and $$c[0] ne 'TIME'
146 0 2 if $$c[3] eq ''
152 0 1 unless $data =~ /2\.0\s*/
159 0 1 unless $data =~ /YES\s*/ or $data =~ /NO\s*/
161 0 1 if $data =~ /YES\s*/
173 1 2 unless my $line = $$this{'source'}->getline
175 0 2 if $line =~ /^\s*\~(.*)$/ and &_process_flag($this, $1)
182 0 2 if $columns[0] eq ''
183 0 2 if $#columns < 0
184 0 2 unless $#columns == $#{$$this{'Section C'};}
187 1 3 if looks_like_number($columns[$i]) and $columns[$i] == $$this{'NULL VALUE'}