Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 50 44.0

line true false branch
445 0 3 if (defined $opts{'linelengths'})
454 0 3 if defined $opts{'indent'}
455 1 2 if ($indent)
466 0 3 unless @breakpoints
472 3 0 if (@lines)
514 0 0 if (@_) { }
571 34 122 if ($_ != $#elems)
585 0 6 if defined $opts{'style'}
592 1 5 if ($self->space->{'shrink'} == 0) { }
615 6 116 if ($final) { }
654 0 0 if ($final) { }
736 0 4 if (not $self->{'linelengths'} or ref $self->{'linelengths'} ne "ARRAY")
742 144 147 if ($node->isa('Text::KnuthPlass::Box')) { }
115 32 elsif ($node->isa('Text::KnuthPlass::Glue')) { }
32 0 elsif ($node->is_penalty and $node->penalty != $self->infinity) { }
745 115 0 if ($_ > 0 and $$nodes[$_ - 1]->isa("Text::KnuthPlass::Box"))
770 0 0 $currentLine <= @{$self->linelengths;} ? :
774 0 0 if $nodes->[$end]->is_penalty and 0
777 0 0 if ($width < $linelength) { }
0 0 elsif ($width > $linelength) { }
780 0 0 if ($stretch > 0) { }
786 0 0 if ($shrink > 0) { }
800 0 0 if ($nodes->[$_]->isa('Text::KnuthPlass::Glue')) { }
0 0 elsif ($nodes->[$_]->isa('Text::KnuthPlass::Box') or $nodes->[$_]->is_penalty and $nodes->[$_]->penalty == -$self->infinity and $_ > $index) { }
978 18 15 if ($nodes->[$_]->isa("Text::KnuthPlass::Box") or $nodes->[$_]->is_penalty and $nodes->[$_]->penalty == -$self->infinity)