Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 82 0.0

line true false branch
24 0 0 defined $args{'no_exact'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'trans'} ? :
0 0 defined $args{'max'} ? :
43 0 0 if $onoff == 0 or $onoff == 1
74 0 0 unless defined $max
75 0 0 if $max >= -1
80 0 0 $$self{'max_distance'} == -1 ? :
85 0 0 if $onoff == 0 or $onoff == 1
90 0 0 if $onoff == 0 or $onoff == 1
96 0 0 if ($$self{'source'} eq $target)
97 0 0 $$self{'no_exact'} ? :
102 0 0 defined $max ? :
106 0 0 $$self{'length'} ? :
0 0 unless $target_length and $$self{'length'}
110 0 0 if ($$self{'trans'}) { }
112 0 0 $score > 0 ? :
116 0 0 $score > 0 ? :
123 0 0 if (ref $words eq ref [])
129 0 0 if ($max != -1 and abs $$self{'length'} - length($$words[$_]) > $max)
135 0 0 if ($max != -1 and _alphabet_difference($$self{'source'}, $$words[$_]) > $max)
143 0 0 if (not defined $d) { }
0 0 elsif ($max == -1 or $d < $max) { }
165 0 0 if ($max_distance >= 0) { }
169 0 0 if ($target_length > $source_length) { }
187 0 0 if ($max_distance >= 0)
188 0 0 if ($i > $max_distance)
191 0 0 if ($target_length > $max_distance + $i)
199 0 0 if ($next == 1) { }
209 0 0 if ($j < $min_j or $j > $max_j) { }
215 0 0 if ($c1 eq $c2) { }
224 0 0 if ($insert < $minimum)
227 0 0 if ($substitute < $minimum)
234 0 0 if ($scores[$next][$j] < $col_min)
239 0 0 if ($max_distance >= 0)
240 0 0 if ($col_min > $max_distance)
269 0 0 if ($source_index == 1)
281 0 0 if (substr($source, $source_index - 1, 1) ne substr($target, $target_index - 1, 1)) { }
311 0 0 if $max_distance != -1 and $scores[$source_length + 1][$target_length + 1] > $max_distance
324 0 0 unless exists $dict{$char} or $target =~ /$char/
333 0 0 unless @_
336 0 0 $min < $next ? :