Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 249 343 72.5

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
2464 0 0 $remaining++ and last
3983 0 0 diag_warning("frundis:warning:no '${class}' information found, skipping\n") and return
4056 0 0 diag_warning("frundis:warning:no TOC information found, skipping TOC generation\n") and return

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
334 12 48 0 $Opts{'redirect_stderr'} and $Opts{'all_in_one_file'} && $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'xhtml' || $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'latex'
365 0 30 0 defined $Opts{'output_file'} and $Opts{'all_in_one_file'}
448 52 20 78 @$block == 3 && $block->[0] eq '#.'
1992 78 72 $Scope{'de'} and not @$block == 3 && $block->[0] eq '#.'
6 6 9 @$block == 3 && $block->[0] =~ /^(?:#;|#if)$/u
2049 9 12 $Count{'if_ignore'} and not @$block == 3 && $block->[0] =~ /^(?:#;|#if)$/u
487 49 11 0 $State{'text'} and $State{'wants_space'}
558 52 20 78 @$block == 3 && $block->[0] eq '#.'
1992 78 72 $Scope{'de'} and not @$block == 3 && $block->[0] eq '#.'
6 6 9 @$block == 3 && $block->[0] =~ /^(?:#;|#if)$/u
2049 9 12 $Count{'if_ignore'} and not @$block == 3 && $block->[0] =~ /^(?:#;|#if)$/u
596 90 1551 5 not $Macro{$macro} and test_if_not_allowed_macro($macro)
637 26 8 0 @{$Scope{'Bd'};} and $Scope{'Bd'}[0]{'t'} eq 'literal'
734 2 11 10 defined $opts{'f'} and not $opts{'f'} =~ /$Rx{'format'}/u
761 26 46 4 defined $opts{'t'} and $opts{'t'} eq 'verse'
26 12 34 defined $opts{'t'} and $opts{'t'} eq 'table'
920 32 10 0 defined $opts{'t'} and not defined $Xmtag{$opts{'t'}}
1010 14 0 2 $BfMacro{'filter_tag'} and defined $Filters{$BfMacro{'filter_tag'}}{'code'}
1144 40 1 1 $st->{'id'} and $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'latex'
1174 15 4 2 @{$Scope{'Bl'};} and not $Scope{'item'}
1205 42 2 2 defined $opts{'f'} and not $opts{'f'} =~ /$Rx{'format'}/u
1218 4 0 2 $State{'wants_space'} and not $Flag{'ns'}
1530 22 2 0 $Param{'lang'} eq 'fr' and $close_delim =~ /^(?:!|:|\?|;)$/u
1622 53 22 4 defined $opts{'t'} and not defined $Xmtag{$opts{'t'}}
1785 28 27 0 $opts{'mini'} and $opts{'lof'}
1786 28 27 0 $opts{'mini'} and $opts{'lot'}
1787 28 27 0 $opts{'mini'} and $opts{'toc'}
1811 9 46 0 $opts{'toc'} and $opts{'lof'}
9 46 0 $opts{'toc'} and $opts{'lot'}
55 0 0 $opts{'lof'} and $opts{'lot'}
1953 3 0 0 $opts{'shell'} and $opts{'code'}
1997 6 0 13 defined $opts{'c'} and $opts{'c'} =~ /^[a-zA-Z]*$/u
2054 93 0 2 $parameter eq 'xhtml-index' and not $Param{$parameter} =~ /^(?:full|summary|none)$/u
2122 160 0 0 @Arg and $Process
2192 2 10 0 defined $Flag{$key} and $value eq $Flag{$key}
2307 32 37 30 $Opts{'target_format'} =~ /$Rx{'xhtml_or_epub'}/u and not $Opts{'all_in_one_file'}
2317 30 97 0 $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'xhtml' and $Opts{'all_in_one_file'}
2347 56 7 120 $Opts{'target_format'} =~ /$Rx{'xhtml_or_epub'}/u and not $opts{'nonum'}
2446 0 4 0 ++$remaining && "\\\$$1"
2454 0 0 0 ++$remaining && "\\\$$1"
2457 0 0 0 ++$remaining && "\\\$$1"
2718 1859 2 11 $Param{'lang'} eq 'fr' and not $Flag{'_verbatim'}
2755 2 76 37 @Arg and $Arg[$#Arg] =~ /^(?:\\~)?\p{Punct}+$/u
78 4 33 @Arg and $Arg[$#Arg] =~ /^(?:\\~)?\p{Punct}+$/u and not $Arg[$#Arg] =~ /^\\&/u
2789 172 16 87 $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'latex' and not $last
3056 9 278 0 not $Flag{'ns'} || $ns and $State{'wants_space'} || $State{'text'}
3116 0 0 720 defined $arg and not $arg =~ /^-/u
3359 29 1525 2 not $macro =~ /^Ef$/u and test_for_unclosed_format_block()
1524 29 1 $Flag{'_verbatim'} and not $macro =~ /^Ef|Ed$/u
1245 18 290 @{$Scope{'Bl'};} and $Scope{'Bl'}[0]{'t'} ne 'verse'
1263 288 2 @{$Scope{'Bl'};} and $Scope{'Bl'}[0]{'t'} ne 'verse' and not $AllowedInBl{$macro}
3532 1 1 1 $cover and not !($Param{'epub-version'} =~ /^3/u)
3561 1 1 1 $cover and $Param{'epub-version'} =~ /^3/u
3840 21 13 7 $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'epub' and $Param{'epub-version'} =~ /^3/u
13 21 0 $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'xhtml' and $Param{'xhtml5'}
3856 21 13 7 $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'epub' and $Param{'epub-version'} =~ /^3/u
3880 13 14 12 $Param{'epub-css'} and $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'epub'
13 0 14 $Param{'xhtml-css'} and $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'xhtml'
3894 18 21 0 $Opts{'target_format'} ne 'epub' and $Param{'xhtml-top'}
3900 18 21 0 $Opts{'target_format'} ne 'epub' and $Param{'xhtml-bottom'}
3912 15 15 0 $Opts{'target_format'} ne 'epub' and $State{'_xhtml_navigation_text'}
3983 0 0 11 defined $loXstack{$class} and @{$loXstack{$class};}
4062 19 21 0 $opts->{'mini'} and $State{'nav_count'}
4124 74 36 0 $opts->{'mini'} and $mini_macro eq 'Ch'
4208 118 0 2 $href =~ /^index/u and not $Opts{'all_in_one_file'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
377 6 0 $Param{'document-title'} // ''
418 3 0 $Param{'document-title'} // ''
616 0 64 $opts{'id'} //= ''
617 32 32 $opts{'t'} //= ''
704 21 4 $opts{'f'} // ''
803 50 26 $opts{'t'} //= 'item'
907 4 72 $opts{'id'} //= ''
976 8 0 $Flag{'_fr_nbsp_auto'} // 1
1609 18 128 $opts{'id'} //= ''
1673 11 81 $opts{'t'} //= 'toc'
2109 36 124 $Macro{$DeMacro{'name'}}{'parse'} //= []
3162 31 2 $msg //= ''
3411 3 0 $Param{'document-title'} // ''
3767 2 0 $Lang_babel{$lang} // 'english'
3768 2 0 $Lang_mini{$lang} // 'english'
3770 2 0 $Param{'document-title'} // ''
3771 1 1 $Param{'document-author'} // ''
3772 1 1 $Param{'document-date'} // ''
4057 33 7 $opts //= {}
4081 3 0 $Param{'document-title'} // ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
334 24 24 0 $Opts{'all_in_one_file'} && $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'xhtml' || $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'latex'
716 21 0 4 defined $opts{'f'} or $opts{'t'}
938 10 32 0 $begin //= enclose_begin($Xmtag{'_default'}{'cmd'}, {'id', $opts{'id'}})
1009 6 11 10 not $Scope{'format'} or $Scope{'format'} =~ /$Rx{'format'}/u
1041 0 2 8 $st->{'t'} eq 'enum' or $st->{'t'} eq 'item'
1137 10 32 0 $end ||= enclose_end($Xmtag{'_default'}{'cmd'})
1337 2 0 6 $image =~ /[{}]/u or $label =~ /[{}]/u
1651 22 53 0 $begin //= enclose_begin($Xmtag{'_default'}{'cmd'}, {'id', $opts{'id'}})
1652 22 53 0 $end //= enclose_end($Xmtag{'_default'}{'cmd'})
1679 86 0 4 defined $Self->{'loX'}{$opts{'t'}} or $opts{'id'}
1808 0 0 55 $opts{'toc'} or $opts{'lof'}
0 0 55 $opts{'toc'} or $opts{'lof'} or $opts{'lot'}
1811 0 0 55 $opts{'toc'} and $opts{'lof'} or $opts{'toc'} and $opts{'lot'}
0 0 55 $opts{'toc'} and $opts{'lof'} or $opts{'toc'} and $opts{'lot'} or $opts{'lof'} and $opts{'lot'}
1926 0 1 2 $opts{'c'} eq '' or $HtmlContainingFlow{$opts{'c'}}
2008 2 4 1 $opts{'c'} eq '' or $HtmlPhrasing{$opts{'c'}}
2099 0 0 160 $name =~ /^[A-Z][a-z]$/u or $name =~ /^#/u
2226 56 28 0 $macro eq 'Sh' or $macro eq 'Ss'
2391 26 20 8 defined $opts{'f'} or @Arg
2554 2 8 0 $end //= enclose_end($Xmtag{'_default'}{'cmd'})
2878 30 3 0 $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'xhtml' or $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'epub'
3056 4 5 278 $Flag{'ns'} || $ns
169 0 109 $State{'wants_space'} || $State{'text'}
3068 14 26 87 $Scope{'paragraph'} || $Scope{'item'} || $State{'inline'}
3094 199 1417 0 $cmd //= $State{'macro'}
3244 2 8 0 $begin //= enclose_begin($Xmtag{'_default'}{'cmd'})
3388 2 0 0 mkdir $images_dir or diag_fatal("${images_dir}:$!")
2 0 1 @Image or defined $Param{'epub-cover'}
3777 1 0 0 $InfosFlag{'has_chapter'} or $InfosFlag{'has_part'}
3840 7 0 34 $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'epub' and $Param{'epub-version'} =~ /^3/u or $Opts{'target_format'} eq 'xhtml' and $Param{'xhtml5'}
4008 42 0 8 $Count{'part'} || $Count{'chapter'}
4092 21 7 8 $opts->{'mini'} or defined $opts->{'title'}
4121 8 6 72 $macro eq $mini_macro or $macro eq 'Pt'
4208 46 0 120 $opts->{'nonum'} or $href =~ /^index/u and not $Opts{'all_in_one_file'}