Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 97 114 85.0

line true false branch
131 1 40 unless %params and exists $params{'format'}
132 3 37 unless ref $params{'format'} eq 'ARRAY'
134 23 14 if (exists $params{'continue_style'})
136 4 19 unless exists $continue_styles{$style}
173 3 3 if $line =~ /$first_re/
174 0 6 if (($err = $self->parse_line($line, $table[$#table])) > 0)
222 3 37 unless defined $line
226 36 50 if ($f =~ /^\d+$/) { }
50 0 elsif ($f =~ /^(!?)([A-Za-z_]\w*)(?:(~)(.?))?$/) { }
228 0 36 if $f == 0
231 14 22 if $data_len < $f
234 38 12 unless defined $multi
235 50 0 unless defined $cont and $cont ne ''
237 0 50 if $len == 0
240 38 12 if ($len > 0) { }
246 37 13 if ($d ne '')
247 3 34 if not $multi and exists $$data{$field}
248 6 28 if ($multi and exists $$data{$field}) { }
251 0 6 if $ret == 0 and $d =~ /\Q$cont\E$/
256 1 16 if $mandatory and not exists $$data{$field} and $ret == 0
263 1 68 if $ret != 0 and $line eq ''
265 3 20 unless $line =~ /^ *$/
288 21 48 if $re ne ''
289 23 46 if ($#b > 0) { }
42 4 elsif ($#b > -1) { }
306 104 0 if ($format =~ /^(!?)([A-Za-z_]\w*)(?:(~)(.?))?$/) { }
314 63 41 unless defined $def{'multi'}
315 85 19 $width > 0 ? :
325 0 101 if $max <= 0
326 0 101 if ($max == 1) { }
327 0 0 if $min <= 0
329 45 56 if ($min < $max) { }
343 0 78 $$self{'DEBUG'} ? :
344 68 9 $def{'spaces'} > 1 ? :
77 1 $def{'spaces'} > 0 ? :
347 56 22 if ($def{'mandatory'} or $branch_multi) { }
349 45 11 if ($def{'align'} eq 'L') { }
351 40 5 if (not $branch_multi) { }
360 11 0 if (not $branch_multi) { }
370 22 0 $width > 1 ? :
371 22 0 if $def{'spaces'}
372 22 0 $width > 1 ? :
381 5 38 if /!?[_[:alpha:]]\w+~/
400 60 61 if ($f =~ /^\d+$/) { }
404 42 5 if ($multi and $branch_multi || $#re == -1)
413 40 21 if ($def{'mandatory'}) { }
416 8 32 if ($re_col_end eq '') { }
441 42 43 if ($f =~ /^\d+$/) { }
445 26 17 unless ($def{'multi'})
454 13 4 if $$self{'CONTINUE_STYLE'} & 1
455 11 6 if $$self{'CONTINUE_STYLE'} & 2
458 10 7 if @re_end
477 26 1 unless (exists $$self{'FIRST_LINE_RE'})
479 6 20 if ($$self{'CONTINUE_STYLE'} == 1) { }
485 3 23 $re eq '' ? :
506 26 0 unless (exists $$self{'CONTINUE_LINE_RE'})
510 13 13 $re eq '' ? :