Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 130 154 84.4

line true false branch
35 0 58 if ($conf_hr->{'encode_unicode_slash_x'})
36 0 0 unless Module::Want::have_mod('Encode')
39 1 57 if ($conf_hr->{'cpanel_mode'} and $conf_hr->{'cpanel_mode'} != 0)
50 10 3 $conf_hr->{'no_default_regex'} ? :
13 45 $conf_hr->{'regexp_conf'} ? :
61 9 57 defined $regexp->[2] && ref $regexp->[2] eq 'HASH' ? :
62 63 3 exists $rx_conf_hr->{'arg_position'} ? :
67 0 583 unless defined $text_working_copy
71 517 66 if ($did_match) { }
80 66 0 if -1 == $no_extract_index
84 4 0 if (-1 != $no_extract_index and !$did_match || $no_extract_index < $-[0])
95 6 507 if $text_working_copy =~ s/^[^\n]* \Q$NO_EXTRACT_KEY\E [^\n]*//x
102 6 501 if ($conf_hr->{'ignore_perlish_comments'})
105 2 4 if ($pre =~ /\#/ and not $pre =~ /[\n\r]$/)
108 1 1 if ($lines[-1] =~ /\#/)
110 0 1 if defined $linenum
118 4 502 if ($text_working_copy =~ /^\s*\{/ and not $matched =~ /\(\s*$/)
120 0 4 if defined $linenum
126 2 500 if ($text_working_copy =~ /^\s*=/)
128 0 2 if defined $linenum
133 3 497 if ($conf_hr->{'ignore_perlish_statement'})
136 1 2 if ($text_working_copy =~ /^\s*;/)
138 0 1 if defined $linenum
145 25 474 if ($rx_conf_hr->{'arg_position'} > 0)
150 25 30 if ($at_index >= $rx_conf_hr->{'arg_position'})
157 30 0 unless (defined $phrase)
164 3 492 $text_working_copy =~ /^\s*\{/ ? :
4 495 $text_working_copy =~ /^\s*\[/ ? :
169 469 30 if (not $phrase) { }
174 0 469 unless defined $text_working_copy
176 189 165 if defined $opener and $opener eq q['] or defined $type and $type eq 'q' || $type eq 'qw'
177 101 368 if defined $opener and $opener eq '"' or defined $type and $type eq 'qq'
178 290 179 if ($result_hr->{'quotetype'})
183 22 447 if (defined $type and $type eq '<<')
188 19 3 if (substr($opener, 0, 1) eq q[']) { }
196 30 439 if (defined $inside and exists $result_hr->{'quotetype'} and $inside eq '') { }
324 115 elsif (defined $inside and $inside) { }
0 115 elsif (defined $opener and defined $inside and defined $closer and defined $phrase and $phrase eq "$opener$inside$closer") { }
204 21 303 if ($type eq 'qw') { }
12 291 elsif ($type eq 'qx' or $opener eq '`') { }
30 261 elsif ($type eq 'm' or $type eq 'qr' or $type eq 's' or $type eq 'tr' or $opener eq '/') { }
205 2 19 if ($phrase =~ /\A(\s+)/)
209 2 19 if ($phrase =~ /(\s+)\z/)
214 19 2 if ($phrase =~ /(\s+)/)
238 115 0 if (defined $regexp->[1])
239 89 26 if (ref $regexp->[1] eq 'CODE') { }
26 0 elsif (ref $regexp->[1] eq 'Regexp') { }
241 37 52 if ($text_working_copy =~ /^$rgx/)
247 15 11 if ($text_working_copy =~ /$rgx/)
253 52 63 if ($is_no_arg) { }
44 19 elsif ($text_working_copy =~ /^\s*(((?:\&|\\\*)?)$ns_regexp(?:\-\>$ns_regexp)?((?:\s*\()?))/o) { }
254 13 39 if ($rx_conf_hr->{'optional'}) { }
264 18 26 $2 || $3 ? :
269 18 26 $perlish ? :
278 58 428 if (not defined $phrase) { }
280 58 0 if (defined $regexp->[1])
281 49 9 if (ref $regexp->[1] eq 'CODE') { }
9 0 elsif (ref $regexp->[1] eq 'Regexp') { }
283 37 12 if ($text_working_copy =~ /^$rgx/)
289 2 7 if ($text_working_copy =~ /$rgx/)
295 39 19 if ($is_no_arg) { }
296 0 39 if ($rx_conf_hr->{'optional'}) { }
305 7 12 if ($optional_perlish) { }
306 3 4 if ($rx_conf_hr->{'optional'}) { }
327 34 394 if ($var and defined $for and defined $aft and $for =~ /\A\s*\z/ and $aft =~ /\A\s*\z/) { }
332 308 86 if (exists $result_hr->{'quotetype'})
333 206 102 if ($result_hr->{'quotetype'} eq 'single') { }
102 0 elsif ($result_hr->{'quotetype'} eq 'double') { }
345 0 394 if ($conf_hr->{'encode_unicode_slash_x'}) { }
358 376 18 unless exists $result_hr->{'type'} and $result_hr->{'type'} eq 'perlish'
364 483 0 if ++$offset_seen{$result_hr->{'offset'}} == 1
374 0 1 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
386 6 3 $in_multi_line ? :
389 0 12 if ($in_multi_line and $updated_result_count == $initial_result_count) { }
4 8 elsif ($in_multi_line and $updated_result_count > $initial_result_count and $results[-1]{'type'}) { }
2 6 elsif (not $in_multi_line and @results and defined $results[-1]{'type'} and $results[-1]{'type'} eq 'multiline') { }
403 0 2 $trailing_partial->{'offset'} > &bytes::length($prepend . $line) ? :