Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 48 54 88.8

line true false branch
21 6 4 if (exists $opt{':factory'})
27 0 4 if (exists $opt{':all'}) { }
32 0 12 if (exists $opt{$func})
64 24 4 $diff2[0][0][1] <= $diff2[1][0][1] ? :
18 28 !@{$diff2[1];} ? :
20 46 !@{$diff2[0];} ? :
74 0 20 if ($hi < $hi_k)
91 42 24 if (@{$range2[0];}) { }
100 44 22 if (@{$range2[1];}) { }
110 24 42 if (not @{$range2[0];}) { }
22 20 elsif (not @{$range2[1];}) { }
4 16 elsif ($hi0 - $lo0 != $hi1 - $lo1) { }
125 4 22 if ($ok0 ^ $ok1 or $ok0 and $$text0[$i0] ne $$text1[$i1])
146 11 22 if ($$r3[0] eq '0') { }
18 4 elsif ($$r3[0] ne 'A') { }
174 3 1 if (_assoc_range($diff, 'c') and $$r3[5] <= $$r3[6])
196 0 1 if ($$r2[0] eq 'c') { }
0 1 elsif ($$r2[0] eq 'a') { }
224 3 1 if $$r[0] eq $type
246 266 434 if $x != 5
253 51 269 if $$text_a[$a1] ne $$text_b[$b1]
259 356 172 if $a_uniq < $a1 or $b_uniq < $b1
263 34 0 if $$text_a[$a1] ne $$text_b[$b1]
267 34 138 if ($a0 <= $a1 and $b0 <= $b1) { }
27 111 elsif ($a0 <= $a1) { }
37 74 elsif ($b0 <= $b1) { }
278 30 87 if $$text_a[$a1] ne $$text_b[$b1]