Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 105 124 84.6

line true false branch
162 37 240 if /^#|^$|\}$/o
163 30 210 if (/^lease ($IPV4) /o) { }
1 209 elsif (/^(host|group|subgroup) (.*) /o) { }
5 204 elsif (/^failover peer (.*) state/o) { }
30 174 elsif (/starts ($DATE);/o) { }
9 165 elsif (/ends ($DATE|never);/o) { }
30 135 elsif (/tstp ($DATE|never);/o) { }
24 111 elsif (/atsfp ($DATE|never);/o) { }
29 82 elsif (/tsfp ($DATE|never);/o) { }
9 73 elsif (/cltt ($DATE);/o) { }
6 67 elsif (/^next binding state (\w+);/o) { }
30 37 elsif (/^binding state (\w+);/o) { }
0 37 elsif (/^rewind binding state (\w+);/o) { }
7 30 elsif (/uid (\".*\");/o) { }
4 26 elsif (/client-hostname \"(.*)\";/o) { }
0 26 elsif (/abandoned;/o) { }
0 26 elsif (/deleted;/o) { }
0 26 elsif (/dynamic-bootp;/o) { }
1 25 elsif (/dynamic;/o) { }
10 15 elsif (/hardware (.+) (.*);/o) { }
1 14 elsif (/fixed-address (.*);/o) { }
0 14 elsif (/option agent\.circuit-id (.*);/o) { }
0 14 elsif (/option agent\.remote-id (.*);/o) { }
0 14 elsif (/set (\w+) = (.*);/o) { }
0 14 elsif (/on (.*) \{(.*)\};/o) { }
0 14 elsif (/bootp;/o) { }
0 14 elsif (/reserved;/o) { }
0 14 elsif (/failover peer \"(.*)\" state/o) { }
5 9 elsif (/my state (.*) at ($DATE);/o) { }
5 4 elsif (/partner state (.*) at ($DATE);/o) { }
1 3 elsif (/mclt (\w+);/o) { }
1 2 elsif (/set ddns-rev-name = \"(.*)\";/o) { }
1 1 elsif (/set ddns-fwd-name = \"(.*)\";/o) { }
1 0 elsif (/set ddns-txt = \"(.*)\";/o) { }
264 30 6 if ($self->type eq 'lease') { }
5 1 elsif ($self->type eq 'failover-state') { }
272 30 6 if $self->starts
273 9 27 if $self->ends
274 30 6 if $self->tstp
275 29 7 if $self->tsfp
276 24 12 if $self->atsfp
277 9 27 if $self->cltt
278 30 6 if $self->binding_state
280 6 30 if $self->next_binding_state
282 0 36 if $self->dynamic_bootp
283 1 35 if $self->dynamic
284 10 26 if $self->hardware_type and $self->mac_address
286 7 29 if $self->uid
287 1 35 if $self->ddns_rev_name
288 1 35 if $self->ddns_txt
289 1 35 if $self->ddns_fwd_name
290 1 35 if $self->fixed_address
291 0 36 if $self->abandoned
292 0 36 if $self->abandoned
293 0 36 if $self->option_agent_circuit_id
295 0 36 if $self->option_agent_remote_id
297 36 0 if (defined $self->set)
302 0 36 if ($self->on and $self->on->{'events'} and $self->on->{'statements'})
308 4 32 if $self->client_hostname
310 5 31 if $self->my_state
312 5 31 if $self->partner_state
314 1 35 if $self->mclt