Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 690 966 71.4

line true false branch
192 392 32 if $e =~ /^(utf-?8|ucs-?8)/i
199 11184 7525 if defined $_
209 15 0 if ref $infoh ne 'GLOB'
218 17 0 if ref $infoh ne 'GLOB'
228 51 16 $dont_wrap ? :
230 31 36 unless $self->{'quiet'}
236 308 8 if $self->{'_close_inh_when_finished'}
246 104 0 if defined $self->{'outh'} and $self->{'_close_outh_when_finished'}
256 5 3 if (defined $err_code and not $self->{'quiet'} and $self->{'croak_if_error'})
260 5 0 if ($err_code == 0) { }
271 15 2 defined $cols[$i] ? :
280 30 51 if ($self->{'croak_if_error'} and not $dont_stop)
319 260 2 unless defined $escape_char
321 0 262 if (length $escape_char >= 2)
327 0 262 if (length $quote_char >= 2)
333 0 262 if $escape_char eq ''
334 0 262 if $quote_char eq ''
347 0 262 if ($self->{'inh_is_stdin'}) { }
349 0 0 if $_debug
355 0 262 if $_debug
367 4546 262 if $c < $l - 1
368 1521 3287 if ($status == $ST_INSIDE) { }
3287 0 elsif ($status == $ST_OUTSIDE) { }
369 0 1521 if ($ch eq $escape_char and $chnext eq $quote_char) { }
197 1324 elsif ($ch eq $quote_char) { }
381 0 3287 if ($ch eq $escape_char and $chnext eq $quote_char || exists $Seps{$chnext}) { }
946 2341 elsif (exists $Seps{$ch}) { }
197 2144 elsif ($ch eq $quote_char) { }
403 147 115 if ($Seps{';'} == 0 and $Seps{','} >= 1) { }
106 9 elsif ($Seps{','} == 0 and $Seps{';'} >= 1) { }
0 9 elsif ($Seps{','} == 0 and $Seps{';'} == 0 and $Seps{"\t"} >= 1) { }
420 3 6 if ($h_no_accnt =~ /^[[:alnum:]_]+$/i)
426 0 6 if ($_debug)
441 0 652 unless (open $inh, '<', $in_file)
445 652 0 unless ($self->{'_leave_encoding_alone'})
448 0 652 unless defined $self->{'_inh_encoding_string'}
471 20 436 if $self->{'_int_one_pass'}
472 136 300 if $self->{'_detect_meta_done'}
474 298 2 unless (defined $self->{'escape_char'})
479 298 0 if (defined $inh)
487 5 3894 if $l =~ /(\\$quote_char)/
492 5 293 $flag ? :
493 0 298 if $_debug
497 0 300 if $_debug
504 300 0 if (defined $inh)
526 18353 10224 unless $csv->is_quoted($i)
527 4 28573 if $aa[$i] =~ /\n/
535 0 300 if $_debug
548 1269 0 unless $_debug
558 0 510 if defined $nonexistent_arg
563 155 355 if ($new_count > $self->get_max_in_mem_record_count)
569 0 510 if ($_debug)
571 0 0 if $updated_max
581 289 31 if not defined $enc or $enc eq ''
585 0 320 if $#encodings < 0
587 0 320 if $_debug
597 320 12 unless defined $m0
599 12 320 unless $detect_enc
601 0 320 if not defined $in_file or $in_file eq ''
605 0 320 if $_debug
611 296 24 if (_is_utf8($e))
612 296 0 if (open my $fh, '<:raw', $in_file)
615 12 284 if (length $bom == 3 and $bom eq "\357\273\277")
616 10 2 unless (defined $via)
625 0 320 unless (open $inh, '<', $in_file)
647 0 320 if $_debug
649 308 12 if $wrn == 0
652 0 320 if ($wrn >= 1)
659 0 320 unless defined $m
661 0 320 if $_debug
682 18 476 if (defined $self->{'_status'} and $self->{'_status'} == 4)
683 16 2 unless ($called_from_print_error)
693 30 464 if $called_from_print_error
718 0 4224 if (not defined $step or $step != -1 and $step != 1)
723 0 4224 unless ($n) = $target =~ /^S(\d)$/
726 1 4223 if ($self->{'_read_in_progress'})
735 139 4084 if ($step == -1)
736 19 120 if ($n < $self->{'_status'})
737 16 3 if ($self->{'_status'} == 4)
738 0 16 if $_debug
744 0 3 if $_debug
750 869 3215 if ($self->{'_status'} < $n)
751 0 869 if $_debug
755 12 355 if ($self->{'_status'} <= 1 and $n >= 2 and $self->{'_int_one_pass'} and $self->get_pass_count >= 1)
764 12 0 if ($self->{'one_pass'})
765 0 0 unless $self->{'one_pass'}
771 0 1347 unless defined $funcname
773 0 1347 if $_debug
775 1347 0 if (my $member_function = $self->can($funcname)) { }
776 3 1328 unless $self->$member_function
783 0 1328 if $_debug
869 329 0 unless defined $self->{'_debugh'}
870 0 329 if $ALWAYS_DEBUG
872 0 329 if $_debug
881 1 328 if (defined($self->{'fields_ar'}) + defined($self->{'fields_hr'}) + defined($self->{'fields_column_names'}) >= 2)
890 2 327 if (defined $self->{'fields_ar'} and not defined $self->{'fields_hr'})
898 13 316 unless ($self->{'has_headers'})
899 1 12 if (defined $self->{'fields_ar'})
904 1 11 if (defined $self->{'fields_hr'})
920 3 318 unless $self->_status_reset
922 0 318 if $_debug
924 316 2 if ($self->{'dates_zeros_ok'})
927 975 2198 unless ($v =~ /[1-9]/)
928 3 972 if $v =~ /^[^0:]*0+[^0:]+0+[^0:]+0+/
953 4 466 unless defined $self->{'in_file'}
957 0 470 if defined $self->{'dont_mess_with_encoding'}
968 4 466 if (defined $self->{'inh'}) { }
970 4 0 unless defined $self->{'dont_mess_with_encoding'}
972 4 0 unless defined $self->{'one_pass'}
977 466 0 unless defined $self->{'dont_mess_with_encoding'}
980 0 466 if ($in_file eq '') { }
983 0 0 unless defined $self->{'one_pass'}
987 3 463 unless (open $inh, '<', $in_file)
997 0 467 unless defined $in_file_disp
1009 463 4 unless ($self->{'_leave_encoding_alone'})
1010 320 143 unless ($self->{'_init_input_already_called'})
1014 12 308 $self->{'_int_one_pass'} ? :
1023 0 463 if $_debug
1028 247 220 unless defined $self->{'out_file'}
1039 324 143 unless defined $self->{'quote_char'}
1041 5 462 if (defined $self->{'in_csvobj'}) { }
1042 200 262 if (defined $self->{'sep_char'}) { }
1044 0 200 if $_debug
1050 262 0 unless ($self->{'_init_input_already_called'})
1051 6 256 unless ($self->_detect_csv_sep($escape_char, $quote_char, \$sep_char))
1061 0 256 if $_debug
1067 0 456 if $_debug
1082 0 456 unless (defined $self->{'_in_csvobj'})
1175 0 19 unless $self->_status_forward('S3')
1186 0 1 unless $self->_status_forward('S3')
1195 0 1 unless $self->_status_forward('S3')
1213 0 2 unless defined $self->{'_stats'}
1229 0 0 if defined $self->{'fields_ar'}
1232 0 0 if defined $self->{'fields_column_names'}
1234 0 0 if defined $self->{'fields_hr'}
1280 0 12 if $#tmp >= 0
1287 0 48 if ($#all_idx >= 1)
1293 0 48 if ($idx < 0) { }
1303 0 12 $e >= 1 ? :
1312 0 2 unless $self->_status_forward('S2')
1313 0 2 unless $self->_status_backward('S2')
1325 0 2 unless $self->_status_forward('S2')
1326 0 2 unless $self->_status_backward('S2')
1436 539 0 if ($self->{'has_headers'}) { }
1438 0 539 unless defined $col
1450 0 43 unless $self->_status_forward('S3')
1451 0 43 unless defined $self->{'_dates_detailed_status'}
1458 67 287 if $self->{'_detect_dates_formats_has_run'}
1462 11 276 if defined $self->{'fields_dates'}
1463 233 43 unless @fields_dates or $self->{'fields_dates_auto'}
1465 0 54 if ($self->{'_int_one_pass'})
1502 54 0 if $self->{'has_headers'}
1514 11 43 if (defined $self->{'fields_dates'}) { }
43 0 elsif ($self->{'fields_dates_auto'}) { }
1518 1 22 unless (exists $regular_named_fields{$f})
1525 0 22 if (exists $column_seen{$n})
1532 1 10 if $count_field_not_found
1554 2 51 if defined $self->{'dates_formats_to_try_supp'}
1556 43 10 unless defined $formats_to_try
1562 978 0 unless exists $seen{$_}
1567 39 14 unless defined $ignore_trailing_chars
1568 46 7 unless defined $search_time
1570 43 10 $ignore_trailing_chars ? :
1601 2 51 if defined $localizations
1603 215 763 $f =~ /%a|%A|%b|%B|%c|%\+/ ? :
1604 968 10 unless (@locales and $has_localized_item)
1634 262 726 if (exists $mates{$m}) { }
1636 217 45 $fstr =~ /%y/ ? :
1637 45 217 $fstr =~ /%Y/ ? :
1638 45 217 $alt_fstr =~ /%y/ ? :
1639 217 45 $alt_fstr =~ /%Y/ ? :
1643 45 217 if (not $m_lower and $m_upper and $a_lower and not $a_upper) { }
217 0 elsif ($m_lower and not $m_upper and not $a_lower and $a_upper) { }
1659 20 968 if $floc ne ''
1660 943 45 $fstr ne '' ? :
1680 0 988 if $format->index_slave >= 0 and $format->index_master >= 0
1683 262 726 if ($format->index_slave >= 0)
1685 0 262 if ($mate->index_master != $i or $mate->index_slave != -1)
1691 262 726 if ($format->index_master >= 0)
1693 0 262 if ($mate->index_slave != $i or $mate->index_master != -1)
1700 0 53 if ($debug_fmt)
1703 0 0 if $_->index_slave >= 0
1704 0 0 if $_->index_master >= 0
1709 0 0 if $idx >= 0
1738 0 1418 if ($debug_fmt)
1746 4841 10444 if $cache_nodate[$n]
1749 89 10355 unless defined $v
1750 7502 2942 if $v eq ''
1752 3 2939 if defined $refsub_is_datetime_empty and &$refsub_is_datetime_empty($v)
1755 0 2939 if ($debug_fmt)
1765 0 50192 if $debug_fmt
1780 8465 41727 unless defined $records{$n}{$fid}
1782 11481 38711 unless ($records{$n}{$fid}->count_ko)
1789 7789 3692 unless ($is_ok)
1791 77 7712 if ($records{$n}{$fid}->count_ko == 0 and $records{$n}{$fid}->has_searched_time and $records{$n}{$fid}->has_found_time)
1802 4 73 if ($give_up_time)
1809 6079 5402 if ($is_ok or not $ignore_trailing_chars) { }
1813 3156 2923 unless ($records{$n}{$fid}->has_searched_time)
1818 0 3156 if $records{$n}{$fid}->count_ok != 0
1820 1980 1176 if ($search_time) { }
78 1098 elsif ($fstr eq '') { }
1822 0 1980 if $debug_fmt
1829 254 1726 defined $t ? :
1831 254 1726 if (defined $t) { }
200 1526 elsif ($fstr eq '') { }
1854 2368 1014 unless $incr or $is_ok
1858 2697 3382 if ($incr)
1863 1995 702 if ($fmt->index_slave >= 0 or $fmt->index_master >= 0)
1866 771 1224 $fmt->index_slave >= 0 ? :
1868 771 1224 $has_slave ? :
1874 1841 154 if (exists $records{$n}{$mate})
1875 623 1218 if ($has_slave) { }
1876 2 621 if ($records{$n}{$mate}->count_ko == 0)
1884 117 0 if ($records{$n}{$mate}->count_ko == 0 and $records{$n}{$mate}->count_ok >= 1 and $records{$n}{$fid}->count_ko == 0)
1907 0 50192 if $debug_fmt
1917 4841 10444 if $cache_nodate[$n]
1924 58822 92018 unless defined $rec
1929 0 92018 if $ok == 0 and $ko == 0
1933 6060 85958 if $ok >= 1 and $ko == 0
1935 4754 5690 if ($candidate == 1) { }
653 5037 elsif ($candidate >= 2) { }
230 4807 elsif ($tt != 0) { }
1950 0 1418 if ($debug_fmt)
1958 466 942 if $count_gotit + $count_ambiguous + $count_nodate >= 1 and not $count_ambiguous and not $count_empty
1963 31 1387 if ($can_start_recording_data and not $has_signaled_can_start_recording_data)
1968 0 31 if $_debug
1974 7 24 unless $self->{'fields_dates_auto'}
1975 1 23 if $self->{'fields_dates_auto_optimize'}
1992 298 8167 if ($rec->count_ok >= 1 and $rec->count_ko == 0)
1995 177 121 if $rec->has_found_time
2007 16 516 if ($#formats_ok < 0 and $tt == 0) { }
230 286 elsif ($#formats_ok < 0) { }
12 274 elsif ($#formats_ok > 0) { }
2028 532 0 unless exists $dates_detailed_status{$col}
2029 274 258 if $is_ok and not defined $dates_formats[$n]
2035 0 52 if ($check_empty != $count_empty or $check_nodate != $count_nodate or $check_ambiguous != $count_ambiguous or $check_gotit != $count_gotit)
2042 0 1 if ($count_empty or $check_nodate or $count_nodate or $check_ambiguous or $count_ambiguous or $check_gotit or $count_gotit)
2062 0 53 if ($debug_fmt)
2072 0 0 if defined $rec->locale and $rec->locale ne ''
2085 0 53 if ($_debug)
2096 0 0 if (defined $dates_formats[$n])
2106 10 43 unless ($self->{'fields_dates_auto'})
2109 13 7 if defined $dates_formats[$n]
2118 4 6 if $e
2132 0 0 if defined $rec and $rec->has_found_time
2140 0 0 if defined $floc and $floc ne ''
2143 0 0 if defined $rec
2144 0 0 unless defined $tmpok
2146 0 0 if defined $rec
2147 0 0 unless defined $tmpko
2158 1417 10064 if $rec->has_found_time
2161 3289 7789 defined $parser->parse_datetime($value_to_parse) ? :
11078 403 if $parser
2164 8465 3016 unless (defined $rec->format)
2211 4 1976 if $format =~ /:/
2214 325 1651 if ($format eq '') { }
2218 393 1258 unless ((undef, $sep) = $v =~ /(^|\d([^0-9:]+))(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})(\D|$)/)
2221 29 364 if ($v =~ /\d{4}:\d{2}(\D|$)/) { }
2226 0 364 if $debug_fmt
2234 732 880 unless defined $sep
2250 1 1611 if $sep eq ' '
2252 0 1612 if ($debug_fmt)
2259 0 9193 if $debug_fmt
2264 12 9181 if defined $locale and $locale ne ''
2268 8939 254 unless defined $parser_of_increased_format->parse_datetime($START . $v . $stop)
2271 0 254 if ($debug_fmt)
2311 344 11 if ($has_headers)
2315 0 344 if $self->{'_debug_read'}
2322 0 344 if $self->{'_debug_read'}
2324 0 344 if (defined $self->{'_inh_header'}) { }
2327 0 0 unless (open $inmemh, '<', \$l)
2336 342 0 if defined $r
2343 0 342 if $self->{'_debug_read'}
2346 336 17 if ($has_headers and not defined $self->{'fields_column_names'})
2348 12 324 if (defined $self->{'fields_hr'}) { }
2349 0 12 unless ($self->_process_header(\@headers, $self->{'fields_hr'}, \%indexes))
2358 0 12 if ($_debug)
2365 0 48 if $_ eq ''
2376 14 339 if defined $self->{'fields_column_names'}
2379 1369 20 defined $_ ? :
2381 0 353 if ($_debug)
2383 0 0 if (@columns) { }
2388 0 0 if defined $headers[$i]
2400 1353 36 if defined $columns[$i] and $columns[$i] ne ''
2406 342 11 if $has_headers
2416 4 4 unless exists $self->{'_out_headers'}
2419 0 8 if exists $self->{'_out_headers'}{$field}
2440 344 11 if $has_headers
2445 36 319 if exists $self->{'_extra_fields'}
2449 340 15 if defined $self->{'_multiline'}
2455 1368 27 if $has_headers
2456 2 1393 $multiline[$i] ? :
2467 80 12 if (defined $c)
2468 9 71 unless (exists $named_fields{$c})
2478 2 81 if ($edef->ef_type == $EF_LINK and $edef->link_remote_read eq '*')
2512 6 79 if (exists $named_fields{$e1->self_name})
2525 79 0 if $has_headers
2536 343 11 if $has_headers
2549 60 291 if defined $self->{'_dates_formats'}
2553 330 1125 if (defined $dates_formats[$i])
2560 1125 330 unless defined $dt_format
2563 4 326 if defined $dt_locale and $dt_locale ne ''
2574 0 330 exists $self->{'out_dates_locale'} ? :
2576 4 326 if defined $loc_out and $loc_out ne ''
2581 0 330 exists $self->{'out_dates_format'} ? :
2591 37 315 if not defined $_ or $_ eq '' or defined $refsub_is_datetime_empty and &$refsub_is_datetime_empty($_)
2605 0 0 defined $dt ? :
2614 2 313 unless (defined $dt)
2616 0 2 if ($verbose) { }
2622 0 0 $dt_locale eq '' ? :
2648 9 87 unless defined $_
2649 6 81 unless ref $_
2650 0 81 unless $_->isa('DateTime')
2654 0 81 unless (defined $str)
2679 0 70 unless (exists $named_fields{$field})
2689 2 68 if (defined $subrefs[$i])
2690 2 0 if $ii == 0
2691 0 2 if $ii == 1
2709 6 345 if defined $tmp
2712 13 3 if not defined $_ or $_ eq '' or exists $named_fields{$_}
2717 2 349 if ($count_field_not_found)
2724 4 346 if defined $self->{'_out_headers'}
2727 6 2 if not defined $_ or $_ eq '' or exists $named_fields{$_}
2732 2 348 if $count_field_not_found
2765 0 2341 if $self->{'_debug_read'}
2767 286 2055 unless ($ar = _mygetline($incsv, $self->{'_inh'}))
2768 0 286 if (not $incsv->eof) { }
2790 0 2055 if ($self->{'_debug_read'})
2801 30 2025 if ($no_undef)
2803 242 82 unless defined $ar->[$_]
2814 10107 479 unless defined $subref
2821 474 0 if defined $field
2830 0 442 if $_debug_extra_fields
2833 238 204 if ($e->ef_type == $EF_LINK) { }
51 153 elsif ($e->ef_type == $EF_FUNC) { }
153 0 elsif ($e->ef_type == $EF_COPY) { }
2835 0 238 if $_debug_extra_fields
2846 0 51 if $_debug_extra_fields
2853 0 153 if $_debug_extra_fields
2856 0 153 if not defined $input and $no_undef
2857 57 96 if (defined $e->copy_sub) { }
2865 0 153 if $_debug_extra_fields
2875 56 384 if not defined $value and $no_undef
2879 0 440 if $_debug_extra_fields
2883 33 2015 if (defined $self->{'read_post_update_hr'})
2889 1119 929 if $self->{'croak_if_error'}
2892 31 2017 if defined $self->{'walker_ar'}
2894 71 1977 if defined $self->{'walker_hr'}
2911 0 297 if $verbose
2923 0 316 if ($verbose and not $keep_quiet)
2951 165 0 defined $ar ? :
2985 1 21 unless defined $new_field
2987 0 22 if $_debug
2991 1 21 unless (@c == 3 and $c[2] ne '')
2997 0 21 unless $self->_status_forward('S2')
2998 0 21 unless $self->_status_backward('S2')
3001 13 8 if $param_opts
3005 19 1 if (ref $obj eq '') { }
3022 4 15 if (exists $self->{'_obj'} and exists $self->{'_obj'}{$in_file}) { }
3024 0 4 if $_debug
3032 0 15 if $_debug
3036 14 1 unless exists $self->{'_obj'}
3056 6 99 if exists $self->{$_}
3072 0 1 if $_debug
3076 14 6 unless exists $self->{'_extra_fields'}
3112 0 2 if (@c != 2 or $c[0] eq '' or $c[1] eq '')
3118 1 1 unless defined $prefix_field
3135 0 6 if $_debug
3139 1 5 unless $self->_status_forward('S2')
3140 0 5 unless $self->_status_backward('S2')
3169 0 14 if $_debug
3173 1 12 unless $self->_status_forward('S2')
3174 0 12 unless $self->_status_backward('S2')
3176 5 7 defined $func ? :
3205 0 16 unless $self->_status_forward('S2')
3206 0 16 unless $self->_status_backward('S2')
3208 0 16 if $_debug
3212 11 5 unless defined $self->{'_read_update_after_hr'}{$field}
3234 0 12 unless $self->_status_forward('S2')
3235 0 12 unless $self->_status_backward('S2')
3237 0 12 if $_debug
3241 7 5 unless defined $self->{'_write_update_before_hr'}{$field}
3278 1120 9881 unless (exists $n_seen{$i})
3280 1120 0 unless exists $h{$k}
3284 1273 806 if $self->{'croak_if_error'}
3296 0 1998 unless $self->_status_forward('S4')
3298 186 1812 if (not defined $self->{'_current_record'}) { }
3306 186 1812 unless (defined $ar)
3322 0 60 unless $self->_status_backward('S3')
3324 0 60 if (exists $self->{'out_orderby'})
3325 0 0 unless $self->_status_forward('S4')
3329 3 51 unless $self->_status_forward('S3')
3343 0 49 unless defined $ar
3345 0 49 unless $self->_status_reset
3365 0 9 unless $self->_status_backward('S3')
3366 0 9 unless $self->_status_forward('S4')
3374 0 0 if (length $v == 1 and ord $v < 32)
3376 0 0 if $n == 10
3377 0 0 if $n == 13
3378 0 0 if $n == 9
3379 0 0 if $n == 12
3380 0 0 if $n == 8
3381 0 0 if $n == 7
3382 0 0 if $n == 27
3398 0 0 $self->get_is_always_quoted ? :
3417 0 0 defined $col->[$_] ? :
3428 0 0 if $max[$_] < length $l->[$_]
3455 1018 159 unless defined $subref
3475 16 450 if defined $tmp
3477 450 16 unless @wf
3483 36 4 if defined $field and $field ne ''
3502 0 104 unless $self->_status_forward('S3')
3512 0 104 if $verbose
3518 104 0 unless (defined $outh)
3519 0 104 if ($out_file eq '') { }
3523 0 104 unless (open $outh, '>', $out_file)
3532 104 0 unless ($self->{'_leave_encoding_alone'})
3536 104 0 defined $self->{'_inh_encoding'} ? :
3540 5 99 if defined $self->{'out_encoding'}
3542 0 96 if (_is_utf8($enc) and $self->{'out_utf8_bom'})
3546 0 104 if ($OS_IS_PLAIN_WINDOWS and $FIX_PERLMONKS_823214)
3549 0 0 if $enc =~ /^utf-?16/i
3553 0 104 if $_debug
3563 104 0 if defined $self->{'sep_char'}
3564 2 102 if defined $self->{'out_sep_char'}
3566 104 0 if defined $self->{'quote_char'}
3568 0 104 if defined $self->{'out_quote_char'}
3571 97 7 if defined $self->{'escape_char'}
3573 2 102 if defined $self->{'out_escape_char'}
3577 5 99 if defined $self->{'out_always_quote'}
3580 0 104 unless (defined $csvout)
3588 102 2 if ($self->{'has_headers'} and not defined $self->{'out_has_headers'} && !$self->{'out_has_headers'} or $self->{'out_has_headers'})
3602 98 4 if ($self->{'has_headers'}) { }
3610 3 99 if (exists $self->{'_out_headers'})
3613 5 7 if (exists $h->{$_})
3637 1 103 if (exists $self->{'out_orderby'})
3638 0 1 unless $self->_status_forward('S4')
3641 25 79 if ($self->{'_status'} == 4) { }
3650 1 24 if (exists $self->{'out_orderby'})
3656 7 1 if $cmp
3665 0 92 if (defined $write_filter_hr)
3666 0 0 unless &$write_filter_hr($hr)
3690 46 255 if (defined $write_filter_hr)
3692 26 20 unless &$write_filter_hr($row_hr, \%stats, $self->get_recnum)
3710 0 97 if ($verbose)
3718 72 25 if ($do_status_reset)
3719 0 72 unless $self->_status_reset
3740 0 32 unless $self->_status_forward('S4')
3753 0 364 unless $self->_status_forward('S4')
3755 0 364 unless (defined $key)
3761 3 361 unless defined $self->{'_flat'}[$key]
3771 2 267 unless defined $ar
3802 0 190 unless $self->{'_read_in_progress'}
3808 0 905 unless $self->_status_forward('S4')
3810 899 6 if exists $self->{'_named_fields'}{$field}
3820 0 19 unless $self->_check_for_search($field)
3822 1 18 unless defined $row
3835 0 9 unless $self->_check_for_search($field)
3840 23 30 if (defined $filter_subref)
3842 11 12 unless &$filter_subref()
3856 561 0 if defined $arg_opts
3874 489 72 if (exists $self->{$hash_name} and exists $self->{$projector_name}) { }
0 72 elsif (exists $self->{$hash_name} or exists $self->{$projector_name}) { }
3875 0 489 if $_debug
3885 0 72 if $_debug
3904 57 15 unless $opt_case
3907 57 15 if ($opt_trim)
3917 68 4 if $opt_ignacc
3943 61 11 if ($opt_ignore_empty) { }
3956 76 1269 unless (&$filter($p))
3957 0 76 if $_debug
3998 421 142 if $param_opts
4001 0 561 unless $self->_check_for_search($field)
4004 0 561 unless defined $value
4011 376 185 if defined $ret
4027 2 20 unless defined $r->[0]
4036 6 14 if @{$r;} >= 2 and not $opt_ignore_ambiguous
4052 0 314 unless $self->_check_for_search($target_field)
4055 171 143 defined $r->[0] ? :
4059 44 99 exists $opts->{'value_if_not_found'} ? :
4075 4 140 if exists $opts->{'value_if_found'}
4077 0 140 if exists $opts->{'search_value_if_found'}