Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 84 126 66.6

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
654 0 248 $next and scalar grep({$_->tag eq $piece->tag;} @processed)
681 365 664 $next->string =~ /\A\S/ and $previous->string =~ /[[:^alnum:]]\z/ and scalar grep({$_->tag eq $piece->tag;} @processed)

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
79 0 21 799 $opts{'format'} and $opts{'format'} eq 'ltx' || $opts{'format'} eq 'html'
82 1 0 819 ref $self->{'document'} and $self->{'document'}->can("language_code")
190 8054 0 380 $el->string =~ /\A\s*\[\[\s*$imagere\s*\] (\[[^\]\[]+?\])?\]\s*\z/sx and not $el->string =~ /\[\[.*\[\[/s
213 149 699 843 $el->type =~ /h[1-4]/ and $split
848 88 755 $el->type =~ /h[1-4]/ and $split and @pieces
391 0 0 31026 $start_stop and $block
533 0 0 18112 @list and $list[0]
0 18080 32 @list and $list[0] and $list[0]->type eq "br"
631 248 0 1829 $i > 0 and $i < $#processed
632 1119 646 64 $processed[$i - 1]->string =~ /[[:alnum:]]\z/ and $processed[$i + 1]->string =~ /\A[[:alnum:]]/
654 12 69 167 $next and scalar grep({$_->tag eq $piece->tag;} @processed) and $next->string =~ /\A\S/
666 0 0 0 @tracking and $piece->tag eq $tracking[-1]
0 0 0 @tracking and $piece->tag eq $tracking[-1] and $previous->string =~ /\S\z/
681 969 9 787 @tracking and $piece->tag eq $tracking[-1]
978 51 736 @tracking and $piece->tag eq $tracking[-1] and $previous->string =~ /\S\z/
355 10 664 $next->string =~ /\A\S/ and $previous->string =~ /[[:^alnum:]]\z/
747 0 0 736 @tracking and $tracking[-1] eq $piece->tag
779 36 0 1277 @tagpile and $tagpile[-1] eq $piece->tag
783 1241 0 36 $pieces[-1]->type eq "open" and $pieces[-1]->tag eq $piece->tag
824 136 209 919 $insert_primary_footnote and my $pri_fn = $self->document->get_footnote($piece->string)
826 389 19 511 $self->is_html and $piece->string =~ /\A(\s+)/
837 24 58 230 $insert_secondary_footnote and my $sec_fn = $self->document->get_footnote($piece->string)
839 102 3 125 $self->is_html and $piece->string =~ /\A(\s+)/
926 1653 0 38 defined $long and length $long
948 1542 0 149 $first_anchor and $first_anchor =~ /[A-Za-z0-9]/
1002 0 0 1542 $level and defined $string
1264 0 71 35 defined $table->{'caption'} and $table->{'caption'} ne ""
1344 0 6 30 $percentage > 0 and $percentage < 100
1358 812 0 66 @spec and @spec == @$cells
1436 6 0 30 @{$output->{'body'};} == 1 and @{$output->{'head'};} == 0
2143 0 0 399 $start and $start =~ /\A[0-9]+\z/
0 300 99 $start and $start =~ /\A[0-9]+\z/ and $start > 1
2163 0 0 378 $start and $start =~ /\A[0-9]+\z/
0 282 96 $start and $start =~ /\A[0-9]+\z/ and $start > 1

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1671 8 0 $attrs{'language'} || 'en'
1676 8 0 $attrs{'language'} || 'en'
1678 8 0 $lang || 'english'
2159 378 0 $map{$type} || '1'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
79 279 541 0 $opts{'format'} eq 'ltx' || $opts{'format'} eq 'html'
393 15513 15513 0 $start_stop eq "stop" or $start_stop eq "start"
492 44 8379 0 $inlined_lang || $self->_lang
722 36 0 26 $type eq "close" or $type eq "close_inline"