Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 56 68 82.3

line true false branch
46 110316 358561 if (exists $args{$accessor} and defined $args{$accessor})
51 25891 1690 unless ($provided{'indentation'})
56 0 27581 unless ref $self->{'anchors'} eq "ARRAY"
58 420 27161 if (exists $args{'anchor'} and length $args{'anchor'})
110 0 23459 if (defined $arg)
172 1818 44430 if (@_)
186 1709 558376 if (@_)
200 0 44206 if (@_)
214 0 62 if (@_)
229 0 1018 if @_
305 3328 9629 if (@_)
307 3328 0 if (defined $arg)
329 352 50909 if ($self->type eq 'startblock' and $self->block eq $block) { }
345 318 2023 if ($element and $self->type eq 'stopblock' and $self->block eq $element->type and $self->style eq $element->style) { }
365 0 0 if ($self->type eq 'li' or $self->type eq 'null' or $self->type eq 'regular') { }
382 0 15078 if $self->will_not_merge
394 6697 8381 if ($nomerge{$self->type}) { }
409 0 8381 if $self->will_not_merge
410 2595 5786 if ($self->type eq 'regular' or $self->type eq 'verse') { }
426 0 0 if ($self->type eq 'li' or $self->type eq 'null' or $self->type eq 'regular') { }
443 12736 4498 unless $self->type eq "regular"
444 278 4220 if ($self->block eq 'quote' or $self->block eq 'center' or $self->block eq 'right') { }
461 1884 1249 if $self->type eq "regular"
462 10 1239 if $self->type =~ /h[1-5]/
463 6 1233 if $self->block eq "example"
464 6 1227 if $self->block eq "verse"
465 6 1221 if $self->block eq "table"
466 3 1218 if $self->type eq "newpage"
496 1742 4601 if ($type eq 'example') { }
476 4125 elsif ($type eq 'verse' or $type eq 'footnote') { }
517 2595 12483 if ($self->can_merge_next and $element->can_be_merged)
520 20 427 if ($self->type eq "footnote" and $element->type ne "footnote" and $element->type ne "null" and not $element->should_close_blocks)
528 1518 34923 if ($self->type eq $type and $element->type eq $type)
570 1691 1245 if ($self->type =~ /h[1-6]/) { }