Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 105 141 74.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
838 5162 4370 28 $$self{'Definition_RE'} and /^($$self{'Definition_RE'})/
844 1424 324 10 $1 eq '-' && defined $$self{'previousSymbol'} && $$self{'previousSymbol'} eq 'INFIX'
865 560 1775 0 defined $symbol and $$symbol{'ttype'} ne 'RIGHTBRACKET' && ($$symbol{'ttype'} ne 'LEFTRIGHT' || $rightbracket) || $$self{'nestingDepth'} == 0
434 0 1341 defined $symbol and $$symbol{'ttype'} ne 'RIGHTBRACKET' && ($$symbol{'ttype'} ne 'LEFTRIGHT' || $rightbracket) || $$self{'nestingDepth'} == 0 and $$symbol{'output'} ne ''
869 530 1709 96 defined $symbol and $$symbol{'ttype'} eq 'INFIX'
2239 0 96 defined $symbol and $$symbol{'ttype'} eq 'INFIX' and $input eq '/'
894 560 0 434 defined $symbol and $$symbol{'ttype'} =~ /RIGHTBRACKET|LEFTRIGHT/
896 128 262 44 @childNodes > 1 and $childNodes[-1]->nodeName eq 'mrow'
390 14 30 @childNodes > 1 and $childNodes[-1]->nodeName eq 'mrow' and $childNodes[-2]->nodeName eq 'mo'
276 12 18 @childNodes > 1 and $childNodes[-1]->nodeName eq 'mrow' and $childNodes[-2]->nodeName eq 'mo' and $childNodes[-2]->firstChild->nodeValue eq ','
903 2 0 16 "$left$right" =~ /^\(\)$/ and $$symbol{'output'} ne '}'
908 0 18 38 $matrix and $i < $m
911 0 0 38 $node->nodeName eq 'mrow' && ($i == $m - 1 || $node->nextSibling->nodeName eq 'mo' && $node->nextSibling->firstChild->nodeValue eq ',') && $node->firstChild->firstChild->nodeValue eq $left && $node->lastChild->firstChild->nodeValue eq $right
927 0 18 20 $matrix and $i > 1
942 52 42 40 $k < @{$pos[$i];} and $j == $pos[$i][$k]
993 524 1585 322 defined $symbol and $$symbol{'ttype'} eq 'INFIX'
2109 98 224 defined $symbol and $$symbol{'ttype'} eq 'INFIX' and $input ne '/'
1061 2885 12 4 $$symbol{'ttype'} eq 'RIGHTBRACKET' and $$self{'nestingDepth'} > 0
1146 0 12 12 $$self{'attr'}{'ForMoz'} and $$symbol{'codes'}
1193 6 0 4 $result2[0]->childNodes > 1 and $input eq 'newsymbol'
1391 0 1 6 $$self{'children'} && @{$$self{'children'};} > $index
1408 0 0 1812 $$self{'children'} && @{$$self{'children'};}
1438 0 0 528 $$self{'children'} && @{$$self{'children'};}
1457 2 76 125 defined $$amsymbol{$sym}{'output'} and $$amsymbol{$sym}{'output'} =~ /&\#x.*;/
1460 116 2 7 defined $LatexSym{$output} and not $$amsymbol{$sym}{'latex'}
1526 2 0 1 $self eq $parent->child(1) && $parent->firstChild->firstChild->{'text'} eq '('
1538 80 198 1 @child_str > 1 and $child_str[1] eq '\\pmod'
1546 195 38 45 $is_tall and @child_str > 1
233 45 0 $is_tall and @child_str > 1 and $child_str[0] =~ /^([\(\[|]|\\\{)$/ || $child_str[-1] =~ /^([\)\]|]|\\\})$/
1593 10 0 1 $child_str[1] eq '\\overline' && length $child_str[0] == 1
1626 5 0 6 defined $$next{'tag'} and $$next{'tag'} eq 'mspace'
1629 6 0 5 defined $$prev{'tag'} and $$prev{'tag'} eq 'mspace'
1663 0 0 273 defined $$self{'attr'}{'displaystyle'} && $$self{'attr'}{'displaystyle'} eq 'true'
1673 0 0 6 $attr && $LatexFont{$attr}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
1645 4 5 $$self{'attr'}{'columnalign'} || ''
1696 1092 6 $_[0]{'tag'} || ''
1703 883 27 $_[0]{'text'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
827 73 0 0 $AMSymbol{$_}{'tex'} || $_
836 898 24 9560 /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)/ or /^(\.\d+)/
865 1335 6 434 $$symbol{'ttype'} ne 'RIGHTBRACKET' && ($$symbol{'ttype'} ne 'LEFTRIGHT' || $rightbracket) || $$self{'nestingDepth'} == 0
903 16 2 0 "$left$right" =~ /^\(\)$/ and $$symbol{'output'} ne '}' or "$left$right" =~ /^\[\]$/
1061 40 0 2901 not defined $symbol or $$symbol{'ttype'} eq 'RIGHTBRACKET' and $$self{'nestingDepth'} > 0
1096 1 33 2 $str =~ /^(\"()\")/ or $str =~ /^(\"((?:\\\\|\\\"|.)+?)\")/
1098 0 0 36 $str =~ /^(\((.*?)\))/ or $str =~ /^(\[(.*?)\])/
0 2 34 $str =~ /^(\((.*?)\))/ or $str =~ /^(\[(.*?)\])/ or $str =~ /^(\{(.*?)\})/
1150 12 6 0 $childNodes[$i]->nodeName eq 'mi' or $nodeName eq 'mi'
1546 27 0 18 $child_str[0] =~ /^([\(\[|]|\\\{)$/ || $child_str[-1] =~ /^([\)\]|]|\\\})$/
1710 970 0 0 $Parent{$_[0]} || $Null