Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 43 60 71.6

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
441 0 0 ref $opts->{'defects'} eq "ARRAY" and scalar @{$opts->{'defects'};}
454 0 0 ref $opts->{'versions'} eq "ARRAY" and scalar @{$opts->{'versions'};}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
132 24 21 1 $opts->{'match'} and $opts->{'no-match'}
134 24 20 1 $opts->{'match'} and $opts->{'orphans'}
136 39 4 1 $opts->{'orphans'} and $opts->{'no-match'}
156 161 616 672 -f $_ and /\Q$ext\E$/
189 23 9 10 $opts->{'match'} and $opts->{'names-only'}
191 23 10 9 $opts->{'match'} and not $opts->{'names-only'}
193 19 10 13 not $opts->{'match'} and $opts->{'names-only'}
217 4 0 0 $opts->{'section'} and not $section
290 36 1 2 $opts->{'projects'} and not grep({$_ eq $project->{'name'};} @{$$opts{"projects"};})
371 0 0 0 scalar @{$opts->{'runs'};} and not grep({$_ eq $run->{'name'};} @{$$opts{"runs"};})

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
96 38 2 $_->{$sortkey} //= ""
139 17 26 $opts->{'extension'} // ""
299 37 0 $tr->getPlans($project->{'id'}) || []
334 25 12 $opts->{'runs'} //= []
385 0 0 $$res{$c->{'name'}} //= []
404 0 0 $res->{$case} //= []
436 0 0 $_->{'comment'} || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
141 20 8 15 $opts->{'match'} or $opts->{'no-match'}
8 4 11 $opts->{'match'} or $opts->{'no-match'} or $opts->{'orphans'}
146 20 4 8 $opts->{'match'} || $opts->{'orphans'}
20 4 0 $opts->{'match'} || $opts->{'orphans'}