Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 32 50.0

line true false branch
29 0 4 if (-e $homedir . "/.testrailrc")
46 1 3 if ($opts->{'help'})
53 0 3 unless $project
58 2 1 if ($opts->{'plan'}) { }
60 2 0 if $plan
64 1 0 if $run
67 0 3 unless ref $runs eq "ARRAY" and @$runs
74 3 0 if ref $tests eq "ARRAY" and @$tests
84 0 3 unless (ref $results eq "ARRAY" and @$results)
85 0 0 if $opts->{'watch'}
89 0 3 unless ref $result eq "HASH"
90 3 0 unless (grep {$result->{'status_id'} eq $_;} @retry_status_ids)
91 0 3 if $opts->{'verbose'}
93 0 3 if $test->{'config'}
95 0 3 if (grep {$result->{'status_id'} eq $_;} @bad_status_ids)
103 0 0 if $opts->{'watch'}