Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 58 55.1

line true false branch
20 0 2 $$self{'version'} ? :
30 0 0 unless defined $runtime and ref $runtime eq 'TestML::Tiny::Runtime'
37 0 2 unless my $testml = $$self{'testml'}
39 0 2 unless $testml =~ /\n/
47 0 2 if ref $bridge
49 0 2 if $@ and not $@ =~ /^Can't locate /
51 0 2 defined &{"${bridge}::new";} ? :
58 0 0 unless open my $fh, '<:raw:encoding(UTF-8)', $_[1]
132 0 2 unless $self->can($code_method)
135 0 2 unless $self->can($data_method)
158 2 2 if ($key eq 'TestML') { }
1 1 elsif ($key eq 'BlockMarker') { }
1 0 elsif ($key eq 'PointMarker') { }
0 0 elsif ($key eq 'CodeSyntax') { }
0 0 elsif ($key eq 'DataSyntax') { }
193 1 1 if not $$self{'data_marker'} and $$self{'block_marker'}
207 0 4 if (defined $$self{$attr} and $$self{$attr} ne $value)
217 0 2 unless defined $version
219 0 2 unless $version eq '0.1.0'
241 4 20 if (not defined $$lines[0] or $$lines[0] =~ /^$$self{'block_marker'}/)
245 4 0 unless exists $$block{'SKIP'}
247 0 4 if exists $$block{'LAST'}
250 2 22 unless defined $$lines[0]
255 0 2 @$only ? :
278 0 11 unless $line =~ /^$$self{'point_marker'} +(\w+)/
281 0 11 if exists $$block{$point_name}
284 7 4 if ($line =~ /^$$self{'point_marker'} +(\w+): +(.*?) *$/) { }
4 0 elsif ($line =~ /^$$self{'point_marker'} +(\w+)$/) { }
293 2 7 if ($line =~ /^$$self{'point_marker'} \w+/)