Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 108 138 78.2

line true false branch
44 61 15 unless defined $self->{'rand'}
47 0 76 @max ? :
49 76 0 if $max
51 67 9 unless (defined $self->{'filter'})
52 0 67 if (my $raw = $ENV{'T2_WORKFLOW'})
54 0 0 if ($raw =~ /^(.*)\s+(\d+)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($raw =~ /^(\d+)$/) { }
72 33 43 if (my $task = delete $self->{'task'})
79 36 404 unless $self->{'pid'} == $$
80 0 404 unless $self->{'tid'} == 0
89 0 259 if ($type =~ /\+(.*)$/) { }
106 0 1117 unless my $stack = $self->{'stack'}
109 1152 1049 unless $state->{'subtest'}
128 1874 5117 unless ($state->{'started'}++)
132 649 1225 if (my $f = $self->{'filter'})
135 233 416 unless $in_var
136 25 624 if $filter->{'satisfied'}
139 649 1225 if $filter
141 149 1725 if ($skip)
154 1117 608 if ($task->flat) { }
156 1049 68 $st ? :
158 0 1117 if $task->todo
170 49 559 if $task->todo
178 184 424 if (defined $slot)
179 98 86 unless $st->finished
186 1671 5171 if ($state->{'ended'})
187 49 1622 if $state->{'todo'}
188 400 1271 if $state->{'subtest'}
190 0 1671 if $state->{'in_thread'}
191 30 1641 if (my $guard = delete $state->{'in_fork'})
201 424 4747 if ($state->{'subtest'} and not $state->{'subtest_started'}++)
206 1101 4070 if ($task->isa('Test2::Workflow::Task::Action'))
210 0 1101 unless ($state->{'PID'} == $$)
215 0 1101 unless $ok
221 1180 2890 if (not $state->{'stage'} or $state->{'stage'} eq 'BEFORE') { }
440 2450 elsif ($state->{'stage'} eq 'VARIANT') { }
1354 1096 elsif ($state->{'stage'} eq 'PRIMARY') { }
1096 0 elsif ($state->{'stage'} eq 'AFTER') { }
223 740 440 if (my $add = $task->before->[$state->{'before'}++]) { }
224 362 378 if ($add->around) { }
230 0 354 unless ($state->{'PID'} == $$)
235 0 354 unless ($ok and $complete)
238 0 0 $ok ? :
250 102 338 if (my $v = $task->variant)
256 440 914 unless (defined $state->{'order'})
257 0 440 defined $task->rand ? :
259 252 188 if $rand
263 968 386 if (defined $num) { }
272 710 386 if (my $add = $task->after->[$state->{'after'}++]) { }
273 354 356 if $add->around
289 0 1874 unless $task
290 0 1874 unless &blessed($task) and $task->isa('Test2::Workflow::Task')
292 33 1841 if ($task->isa('Test2::Workflow::Build'))
294 0 33 if @{$self->{'stack'};}
309 0 17 unless $stack and @$stack
320 0 608 if $state->{'task'}->skip
326 388 220 unless $iso or $async
329 18 202 unless ($self->{'max'} and $self->is_local)
331 0 18 unless $iso
342 62 202 if $st and not $st->finished
347 202 0 if $slot
352 0 220 unless my $st = $state->{'subtest'}
354 146 74 if (not $self->no_fork) { }
0 74 elsif (not $self->no_threads) { }
356 36 110 if (&blessed($out)) { }
385 98 12 if ($slot) { }
404 0 18572 if $st->finished
405 454 18118 if (not $st->active and $st->ready)
423 135 25 if @{$self->{'subtests'};}