Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 32 81.2

line true false branch
29 1 2 if ($build) { }
40 0 29 unless $name =~ /^(?:scheme|authority|userinfo|hostport|host|port|path|query|fragment)$/
43 0 29 unless my $build = Test2::Compare::get_build()
64 2 36 $global_base ? :
2 38 $self->{'base'} ? :
74 0 27 unless $exists
75 1 26 unless $got
76 4 22 if ref $got and not &blessed($got)
77 1 21 if ref $got and not overload::Method($got, '""')
80 0 21 if $@
81 2 19 unless $url->has_recognized_scheme
118 2 27 if $method eq 'hostport'
122 0 29 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and $method eq 'path')
127 6 23 if ($method eq 'query' and not $check->isa('Test2::Compare::String'))
129 4 2 if ($check->isa('Test2::Compare::Hash')) { }
2 0 elsif ($check->isa('Test2::Compare::Array')) { }