Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 42 64.2

line true false branch
29 0 19 unless $SLOTMAP{$_[0]}
30 0 4 unless $SIGMAP{$_[0]}
50 1499 650 if (ref $symbol)
53 1 1058 if $pkg and $package and $pkg ne $package
61 0 650 if $] == "5.01"
62 0 650 unless my($sig, $pkg, $name) = $symbol =~ /^(\W?)(.*::)?([^:]+)$/
66 1 3 $pkg eq '::' ? :
4 646 $pkg ? :
72 1 3 if $pkg and $package and $pkg ne $package
98 62 882 unless exists $stash->{$name}
101 398 484 if $type ne "SCALAR" and defined *{$glob;}{$type}
103 0 484 if ($] < "5.01")
104 0 0 unless defined *{$glob;}{$type}
109 0 0 if eval "package $package; my \$y = $symbol; 1"
112 0 0 unless defined *{$glob;}{$type}
113 0 0 if defined ${*{$glob;}{$type};}
118 104 380 if $sv->isa("B::SV")
119 0 380 unless $sv->isa("B::SPECIAL")
120 0 380 if $B::specialsv_name[$$sv] ne "Nullsv"
132 88 440 if $type eq $sym->{'type'}
134 419 21 unless $ref