Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 67 136 49.2

line true false branch
27 0 70 if exists $self->{'via'} and not $self->can("via_$self->{'via'}")
53 0 625 unless -f $file
60 26 599 if (exists $header->{'features'}{'formatter'} and not $header->{'features'}{'formatter'})
65 26 0 if $env
70 4 621 unless $via
71 399 222 if $via eq 'open3'
73 0 222 unless (&CAN_REALLY_FORK())
83 6 216 if ($header->{'switches'})
93 0 216 if (exists $header->{'features'}{'preload'} and not $header->{'features'}{'preload'})
104 0 216 if @{$params{'switches'};}
107 0 216 if $INC{'Test/'}
110 0 216 if $INC{'Test2/'} and Test2::API::test2_init_done()
119 0 679 unless defined $line
131 67 612 if ($line =~ /$shbang_re/xi)
132 53 14 if defined $1
145 625 653 if $self->{'headers'}{$file}
152 0 653 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
156 768 2509 if $line =~ /^\s*$/
158 649 1860 if ($ln == 0)
161 98 0 if defined $shbang->{$key}
163 49 600 if $shbang->{'shbang'}
166 1801 659 if $line =~ /^(use|require|BEGIN)/
167 627 32 unless $line =~ /^\s*#/
169 0 32 unless $line =~ /^\s*#\s*HARNESS-(.+)$/
172 28 4 if ($dir eq 'no') { }
4 0 elsif ($dir eq 'yes') { }
193 0 409 if $^O eq 'MSWin32'
203 0 409 $self->{'merge'} ? :
206 409 0 if $libs
208 409 0 if $switches
209 27 382 if $header->{'switches'}
222 0 409 unless $pid
229 0 409 $self->{'merge'} ? :
245 0 216 unless pipe $in_read, $in_write
246 0 216 unless pipe $out_read, $out_write
247 0 216 if ($self->{'merge'}) { }
251 0 216 unless pipe $err_read, $err_write
258 0 216 unless defined $pid
260 196 20 if ($pid)
266 0 196 $self->{'merge'} ? :
271 0 20 unless open STDIN, '<&', $in_read
274 0 20 unless open STDOUT, '>&', $out_write
277 0 20 unless open STDERR, '>&', $err_write
279 20 0 if $libs
292 0 20 if defined &FindBin::init
305 0 20 if ($INC{'Test/'})
306 0 0 if (defined $Test::Builder::Test) { }
326 0 0 unless $err =~ /Label not found for "last T2_DO_FILE"/
334 0 0 if $@
351 0 0 unless my($in_write, $in) = tempfile('CLEANUP', 1)
352 0 0 unless my($out_write, $out) = tempfile('CLEANUP', 1)
353 0 0 unless my($err_write, $err) = tempfile('CLEANUP', 1)
354 0 0 unless open my $in_read, '<', $in
355 0 0 unless open my $out_read, '<', $out
356 0 0 unless open my $err_read, '<', $err
359 0 0 if $libs
361 0 0 if $switches
362 0 0 if $header->{'switches'}
375 0 0 unless $pid
392 215 21 if $self->{'_preload_list'}
397 42 2814 unless $loaded =~ /\.pm$/
408 2814 0 unless &openhandle($fh)
421 0 20 if (&openhandle(\*main::DATA))
423 0 0 if (open my $fh, $file)
425 0 0 if (my($data) = $code =~ /^__(?:END|DATA)__$(.*)/ms)
426 0 0 unless open main::DATA, '<', \$data
444 0 0 if &openhandle($fh)
446 0 0 if (open $fh, '<', $file) { }