Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 71 78 91.0

line true false branch
24 19 40 if (ref $param eq 'HASH') { }
33 1 22 defined $cfg->{'is_strict'} ? :
38 6 17 defined $cfg->{'has_version'} ? :
43 5 18 defined $cfg->{'consistent'} ? :
48 4 19 defined $cfg->{'filename_match'} ? :
53 2 21 defined $cfg->{'multiple'} ? :
56 3 20 unless (ref $cfg->{'filename_match'} eq 'ARRAY')
62 8 15 if ($mmv >= $rec and not defined $cfg->{'ignore_unindexable'})
100 1 72 unless $file
102 1 71 unless -e $file
105 0 71 if ($cfg->{'ignore_unindexable'} and not $info->is_indexable)
110 12 59 if (@{$cfg->{'filename_match'};} > 0)
114 3 9 if (ref $pattern eq 'Regexp') { }
3 6 elsif (ref $pattern eq 'CODE') { }
115 1 2 if $file =~ /$pattern/
119 1 2 if &$pattern($file)
123 2 4 if $file eq $pattern
126 4 8 if $match
128 8 4 unless ($match)
136 6 57 $cfg->{'multiple'} ? :
138 11 52 unless ($_IN_VERSION_ALL_OK)
143 25 38 unless ($cfg->{'has_version'})
145 6 19 unless (@packages)
153 0 57 unless (@packages)
164 10 53 unless (defined $version)
170 10 53 unless ($version)
176 21 32 unless (defined $version_number)
179 27 26 if ($version ne $version_number)
183 3 50 unless (is_lax($version))
189 1 49 if ($cfg->{'is_strict'})
190 1 0 unless (is_strict($version))
198 11 46 unless ($_IN_VERSION_ALL_OK)
199 1 1 if ($ok and not $consistent and $cfg->{'consistent'})
218 0 0 -d 'blib' ? :
12 0 defined $dir ? :
224 0 12 unless -d $dir
240 3 9 if ($cfg->{'consistent'} and not $consistent)
246 6 2 defined $version ? :
253 1 8 if (not $cfg->{'has_version'} and $version_counter < 1) { }