Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 67 214 31.3

line true false branch
148 0 1 $ENV{'TVDEBUG'} ? :
150 0 1 is_win32 ? :
160 0 0 ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH' ? :
203 0 6 ref $proto ? :
210 0 0 if defined $options{$_}
214 6 0 unless $$self{'TestPOD'} or $$self{'Compile'} or $$self{'RunTests'}
217 0 6 if $$self{'NoPOD'}
218 0 6 if $$self{'NoCompile'}
219 0 6 if $$self{'NoTests'}
256 0 6 -e $rc_file ? :
257 0 0 unless open RC_FILE, "<$rc_file"
278 0 6 if (defined $rc_file)
284 0 0 unless eval $rc_file
309 0 26 if @_
311 6 20 if (defined wantarray and not defined $$self{'Dir'})
319 0 3 unless chdir 'File::Spec'->updir
322 0 3 if length $new_d eq length $last_d
328 0 6 unless chdir $cwd
344 0 0 if @_
356 0 0 if @_
368 0 0 if @_
380 0 0 if @_
398 0 30 if @_
399 25 5 if /\.t\z/
418 0 2 if @_
419 0 2 if /\.(pod)\z/
442 0 18 if @_
443 2 16 if /\.(pm|pl|pod)\z/
462 0 9 if @_
463 3 6 if /\A(\w|::)+\z/
480 0 0 @_ > 1 ? :
509 9 3 if ($self->is_test_script) { }
1 2 elsif ($self->is_package) { }
0 2 elsif (-d $_) { }
0 2 elsif ($self->is_pod_file) { }
514 1 0 if (@t) { }
541 2 0 if (@t) { }
564 9 3 if /^$/
579 6 7 -d $dir ? :
585 18 0 if (-f $_ and $self->is_source_file || $self->is_test_script)
598 6 0 @results ? :
611 1 2 if (grep $self->is_package, @{$$self{'Names'};})
631 0 3 unless open F, $code_file
640 3 21 if (/^=for\s+test_scripts?\s+(.*)/) { }
3 18 elsif (/^\s*package\s+(\S+)\s*;/) { }
3 15 elsif (/^=/) { }
655 3 0 unless grep(($_ eq $code_file), @{$$self{'PodChecks'};})
658 0 3 unless close F
670 0 3 unless chdir $self->dir
672 0 3 unless chdir $cwd
674 0 3 unless @all_test_scripts
678 0 12 unless open F, 'File::Spec'->catfile($self->dir, $test_script)
684 3 81 if (/^=for\s+packages?\s+(.*)/) { }
3 78 elsif (/^=for\s+files?\s+(.*)/) { }
15 63 elsif (/\s*(use|require)\s+([\w:]+)/) { }
706 0 12 unless close F
715 0 3 if @_
721 3 0 exists $$self{'Packages'}{$_} ? :
728 0 2 if @_
743 2 0 exists $$self{'Files'}{$_} ? :
2 0 exists $$self{'PackagesForFile'}{$_} ? :
751 0 0 if @_
762 0 0 exists $$self{'Files'}{$_} ? :
796 0 0 m[[^\w./\\=:-]] ? :
810 0 0 unless $sub
821 0 0 unless chdir $d
824 0 0 unless $$self{'NoLog'}
832 0 0 @_ ? :
834 0 0 if ($$self{'TestPOD'} and @{$$self{'PodChecks'};})
838 0 0 if $$self{'JustPrint'} or not $$self{'DoubleQuiet'}
841 0 0 unless $$self{'JustPrint'}
846 0 0 if ($$self{'Compile'} and @{$$self{'CompileChecks'};})
848 0 0 if $$self{'JustPrint'} or not $$self{'DoubleQuiet'}
853 0 0 unless $$self{'JustPrint'}
859 0 0 if @{$$self{'Unhandled'};}
861 0 0 unless $$self{'RunTests'} and @scripts
865 0 0 @_ ? :
0 0 $$self{'ExtUtils'} ? :
0 0 $$self{'PurePerl'} ? :
0 0 $debug ? :
887 0 0 if $nonlazy_dyn_link
890 0 0 if ($$self{'DebugRun'})
891 0 0 if length $db_opts
894 0 0 if length $db_opts
896 0 0 if $$self{'DebugRun'}
908 0 0 if $nonlazy_dyn_link
909 0 0 if length $db_opts
911 0 0 if $$self{'JustPrint'} or not $$self{'DoubleQuiet'}
914 0 0 if $$self{'JustPrint'}
922 0 0 unless defined $pid
930 0 0 unless $$self{'Quiet'}
931 0 0 if $$self{'Quiet'}
933 0 0 if /^not\s*$/
938 0 0 unless $ok
942 0 0 if ($ok and not $saw_lone_not and !$not || ($why || '') =~ /TODO/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($not or $saw_lone_not and $ok and $$self{'Quiet'} and not $$self{'DoubleQuiet'}) { }
953 0 0 if (defined $cmd and @cmds > 1)
954 0 0 if $$self{'Quiet'}
957 0 0 $saw_lone_not ? :
960 0 0 $saw_lone_not ? :
0 0 if $ok
965 0 0 if (not $$self{'TripleQuiet'} and @out)
966 0 0 if (defined $cmd and @cmds > 1)
967 0 0 if $$self{'DoubleQuiet'}
971 0 0 $saw_ok ? :
975 0 0 unless waitpid $pid, 0
982 0 0 unless (grep $_, @result_codes)[0]