Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 38 47.3

line true false branch
30 0 3 unless defined $package
36 0 3 $INC{''} ? :
42 6 0 unless (exists $$invokes{$package}{$sub})
52 0 6 if ($moosified)
54 0 0 $package->can('add_before_method_modifier') ? :
59 0 0 if (defined $meta)
67 6 0 unless ($mopped)
82 2 0 if (exists $$invokes{$package} and exists $$invokes{$package}{$subname} and exists $$self{'subs'}{$package})
103 2 0 unless ($package and exists $$invokes{$package} || $package =~ /^(?:\w+(?:::)?)+$/)
108 0 6 unless (exists $$invokes{$package})
113 1 5 defined $msg ? :
119 0 10 if (not exists $$invokes{$package}{$sub} or $$invokes{$package}{$sub} == 0)
120 0 0 defined $missing && !$bool_msg ? :
125 5 1 unless ($bool_msg)
127 0 5 if defined $missing
152 0 3 if $@
153 0 3 if $@
163 0 6 if $owner ne $test
168 6 0 unless $func =~ /^_/