Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 64 65.6

line true false branch
48 30 2 unless _is_perl_module($_)
53 0 1 @_ ? :
57 0 80 if $File::Find::dir =~ m[[\\/]?CVS[\\/]|[\\/]?\.svn[\\/]]
58 0 80 if $File::Find::dir =~ m[[\\/]?blib[\\/]libdoc$]
59 22 58 if $File::Find::dir =~ m[[\\/]?inc]
60 2 56 if $File::Find::dir =~ m[[\\/]?blib[\\/]man\d$]
61 0 56 if $File::Find::name =~ /Build$/i
62 24 32 unless -f $File::Find::name and -r _
78 0 5 unless (open my $fh, $file)
92 2 415 if /#\s*no\s*Test::Tabs/
93 2 415 if /#\s*use\s*Test::Tabs/
95 0 417 if (/#\s*skip\s*Test::Tabs/)
97 0 0 $ok ? :
103 6 411 if /^\s*#/
104 0 411 if /^\s*=.+/ .. /^\s*=(cut|back|end)/ || eof $fh
105 2 409 if /^\s*(__END__|__DATA__)/
106 4 405 if $ignoring or $ignore_line
109 52 353 unless length $remaining
111 0 353 if ($indent =~ /\x20/)
116 0 353 if ($remaining =~ /\t/)
121 0 353 if ($remaining =~ /\s$/)
126 0 353 if (length($indent) - $last_indent > 1)
150 30 2 unless $_[0] =~ /\.pm$/i
156 1 29 if $file =~ /\.pl$/i
157 0 29 if $file =~ /\.psgi$/
158 2 27 if $file =~ /\.t$/
159 0 27 unless open my $fh, $file
161 0 27 if defined $first and $first =~ /$Test::Tabs::PERL_PATTERN/
168 5 0 unless $file =~ /::/
174 0 0 unless -e $candidate and -f _ and -r _
182 1 0 unless ($Test->has_plan)
192 0 0 wantarray ? :