Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 28 85.7

line true false branch
16 2 29 if (not @_ or @_ == 1 and $_[0] =~ /^(streamed|buffered)$/)
25 30 0 $ok ? :
26 0 30 unless $sub
55 10 212 unless $buffered
65 52 170 $parent->isa('Test::Stream::Hub::Subtest') ? :
67 212 10 if $buffered
70 3 219 if $no_diag
77 1 216 if (not $ok and $err =~ /Label not found for "last TS_SUBTEST_WRAPPER"/) { }
89 5 216 unless ($finished)
90 2 3 if (my $bailed = $hub->bailed_out)
95 0 3 if $code
98 217 2 if $ok and not $hub->no_ending and not $hub->state->ended
112 19 0 $ok ? :
19 200 unless $pass