Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 18 88.8

line true false branch
30 4 223 if ($uuid = $self->{'uuid'}) { }
1 222 elsif ($self->{'about'} and $self->{'about'}{'uuid'}) { }
32 1 3 if $self->{'about'}{'uuid'} and $self->{'about'}{'uuid'} ne $uuid
42 220 6 if (my $trace = $self->{'trace'})
62 232 737 if substr($k, 0, 1) eq '_'
64 0 737 unless my $data = $f->{$k}
66 258 479 $is_list ? :
69 1 244 if (my $meta = $self->meta_facet_data)
70 1 0 unless $out{'meta'}