Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 5 38 13.1

line true false branch
27 0 0 if $_->is_test
30 0 0 if $_->is_test
36 0 0 if $_->is_test
49 0 0 if ($$col{'test'}())
57 0 2 $formatter->_colorizer ? :
88 0 6 if ($result->is_bailout)
95 6 0 if $really_quiet
103 0 0 unless ($plan)
109 0 0 if ($show_count and $is_test)
117 0 0 if ($last_status_printed != $now)
123 0 0 if (not $quiet and $verbose || $is_test && $failures && !$result->is_ok || $comments && $result->is_comment || $directives && $result->has_directive)
130 0 0 unless ($newline_printed)
142 0 2 if ($show_count and not $really_quiet)
151 2 0 if $really_quiet
153 0 0 if (my $skip_all = $parser->skip_all) { }
0 0 elsif ($parser->has_problems) { }
161 0 0 if ($formatter->timer)
164 0 0 if (defined $start_time and defined $end_time)
166 0 0 $self->time_is_hires ? :