Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 30 86.6

line true false branch
110 9 2 unless ref $path eq "ARRAY"
111 0 11 unless ref $ignored_packages eq "ARRAY"
143 6 5 if keys %$allowed_naked_packages
148 9 6 if &any(sub { $_ eq $package; } , @ignored_packages)
149 0 6 if (not pod_coverage_ok($package, {"trustme", ["DOES", "META"], "private", [], "also_private", $ignored_subs}) and _package_is_object_pad($package))
191 1 0 if defined $file_path
197 1 14 if &any(sub { /\Q$file_path\E/; } , @ignored_packages_full_path)
200 7 7 if ($check_result == 0) { }
6 1 elsif ($check_result == -1) { }
247 0 8 if &any(sub { /^\Q$package\E$/; } , @$ignored_packages)
253 3 5 defined $pc->coverage ? :
257 7 1 unless ($fully_covered)
261 1 7 if (not $fully_covered and $naked_subs_count < $max_expected_naked_subs) { }
2 6 elsif (not $fully_covered and $naked_subs_count > $max_expected_naked_subs) { }
275 1 4 if ($fully_covered)