Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 32 65.6

line true false branch
150 0 239 if $exit or $exit_signal
163 19 78 if (defined $opts{'max_process'}) { }
170 11 86 if (defined $opts{'max_memory'})
178 0 11 if ($@) { }
187 11 0 $cpu_for_mem < $cpu ? :
210 0 423 unless $code and ref $code eq 'CODE'
228 0 97 unless scalar @{$$self{'jobs'};}
231 310 36 if $pfm->start($$job{'name'})
247 58 39 unless scalar @methods
252 0 351 unless defined &{$map_to;}
276 0 8 unless $self->run
284 0 19 unless $test
285 0 19 unless exists $$results[$c]
288 8 11 if (ref $test eq 'HASH') { }
11 0 elsif (ref $test eq 'CODE') { }
291 0 8 unless defined $$test{'test'} and defined $$test{'args'}