Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 84 39.2

line true false branch
11 0 2 "$]" < 5.011 && !("$]" >= 5.009004 && "$]" < 5.010001) ? :
14 0 2 "$]" < 5.009 ? :
17 0 2 if ("$]" >= "5.006001" and "$]" <= "5.006002")
35 6 3 unless eval { do { require $file } }
38 6 3 if (defined $err)
41 2 4 unless $err =~ /\ACan't locate \Q$file\E/
53 0 0 if $p =~ /\ATest::Needs(?:::|\z)/
68 15 0 /^([\x05-\x07])(.*)$/s ? :
21 15 /^v?([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*)$/ ? :
14 36 /^[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?$/ ? :
0 50 !$_ ? :
81 1 0 defined $module->VERSION ? :
1 2 defined $version && !_try_version($module, $version) ? :
2 2 $version ? :
3 4 _try_require($module) ? :
0 9 $module =~ /^\d|[^\w:]|:::|[^:]:[^:]|^:|:$/ ? :
15 9 $module eq 'perl' ? :
83 5 10 "$]" < $version ? :
96 10 12 @bad ? :
102 0 0 if (@_)
114 0 0 if ($missing)
115 0 0 if ($ENV{'RELEASE_TESTING'}) { }
140 2 4 ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? :
18 6 ref $_ eq 'HASH' ? :
150 0 0 if ($INC{'Test2/'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($INC{'Test/'}) { }
153 0 0 if ($fail) { }
159 0 0 if ($plan or $tests) { }
160 0 0 $plan && $plan ne 'NO PLAN' ? :
170 0 0 if $Test2::API::VERSION < "1.302053"
177 0 0 unless $_[0]->expected_tests
0 0 'Test::Builder'->can('has_plan') ? :
179 0 0 if ($fail) { }
180 0 0 unless $tb->$has_plan
188 0 0 if ($plan or $tests) { }
189 0 0 $plan && $plan ne 'no_plan' ? :
194 0 0 'Test::Builder'->can('note') ? :
200 0 0 if "Test::Builder"->can("done_testing")
202 0 0 if "Test::Builder"->can("parent") and $tb->parent
206 0 0 if ($fail) { }
221 0 0 if $terminate_event
224 0 0 unless $terminate_event = eval "#line 226 \"/root/.cpan/build/Test-Needs-0.002010-0/blib/lib/Test/\"\n package # hide\n Test::Needs::Event::Terminate;\n use Test2::Event ();\n our \@ISA = qw(Test2::Event);\n sub no_display { 1 }\n sub terminate { 0 }\n __PACKAGE__;\n"