Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 44 40.9

line true false branch
22 1 1 unless $app_class
26 1 0 if (ref $app_class eq 'CODE') { }
29 0 0 unless is_class_loaded($app_class)
31 0 0 if ($app_class->can('_finalized_psgi_app')) { }
0 0 elsif ($app_class->can('dance')) { }
42 0 1 unless $t->{'psgi_app'}
51 1 1 unless $self->{'psgi_app'}
55 1 0 $tx->req->version ? :
0 1 $url->scheme && $url->scheme eq 'https' ? :
79 0 1 unless $tx->req->headers->names
82 0 2 if $field =~ /^Content-(Length|Type)$/u
84 2 0 unless (exists $env->{$key})
89 0 1 if ($env->{'SCRIPT_NAME'})
94 0 1 if (not defined $env->{'HTTP_HOST'} and $url->host)
96 0 0 if $url->port
114 0 1 if (defined $body and &blessed($body)) { }
1 0 elsif (my $type = ref $body) { }
115 0 0 if ($body->can('getline'))
121 1 0 if ($type eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'GLOB') { }
140 0 1 if not my $ok = !$err->{'message'} || $err->{'code'} and $err
142 0 1 $self->can('_test') ? :