Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 91 96 94.7

line true false branch
56 14 20 defined $name ? :
59 1 33 unless (-f $file)
66 0 33 unless (open $fh, '<:raw', $file)
79 2 2547 if ($n == 1 and $line =~ /^\x{EF}\x{BB}\x{BF}/x) { }
11 2536 elsif ($line =~ /^=+cut\s*$/x) { }
14 2522 elsif ($line =~ /^=+encoding\s+([\w\-]+)/x) { }
204 2318 elsif ($line =~ /^=+\w+/x) { }
1137 1181 elsif ($pod == 0) { }
92 2 12 if (1 < scalar keys %pod)
98 8 4 $pod_encoding eq 'utf8' ? :
113 6 1587 if (/^use\s+utf8(?:::all)?$/x) { }
1 1586 elsif (/^use\s+common::sense$/x) { }
2 1584 elsif (/^no\s+utf8$/x) { }
121 2 1591 if ($use_utf8 == 0 and $utf8) { }
2 3144 elsif ($use_utf8 == 1 and $latin1) { }
137 2 1179 if ($pod_utf8 == 0 and $utf8) { }
2 1850 elsif ($pod_utf8 == 1 and $latin1) { }
159 1 3 unless @args
162 9 1 -f $_ ? :
2 10 -d $_ ? :
168 6 14 unless file_encoding_ok($file)
176 1 2 unless @queue
181 29 30 if (-d $file)
182 0 29 unless opendir my $dh, $file
191 30 26 if (not -d $filename) { }
200 30 29 if (-f $file)
201 13 17 if _is_perl($file)
208 2 0 if -e 'blib'
215 1 29 if $file =~ /\.PL$/x
216 7 22 if $file =~ /\.p(?:l|m|od)$/x
217 0 22 if $file =~ /\.t$/x
219 0 22 unless open my $fh, '<', $file
223 5 17 if defined $first and $first =~ /(?:^\#!.*perl)|--\*-Perl-\*--/x
236 46892 977 if ($use_xs)
237 32174 14718 if (Unicode::CheckUTF8::is_utf8(${$str;})) { }
238 14716 17458 ${$str;} =~ /[\x{80}-\x{ff}]/x ? :
252 4825 141596 if ($c >= 128) { }
2 141594 elsif ($c == 0) { }
255 1 4824 if ($c >= 254) { }
1 4823 elsif ($c >= 252) { }
1 4822 elsif ($c >= 248) { }
1 4821 elsif ($c >= 240) { }
322 4499 elsif ($c >= 224) { }
4498 1 elsif ($c >= 192) { }
271 1 4822 if ($i + $bits > $len)
279 322 4510 if ($bv < 128 or $bv > 191)
285 5 4495 if "\000\000\000\000\000/" eq pack('c6', @buf)
291 322 323 $d ? :