Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 52 67.3

line true false branch
53 1 0 unless (defined $$preferences{'test_mimic'})
72 0 1 unless open my $fh, '>', 'additional_info.rec'
73 0 1 unless print $fh stringify([\%typeglobs, \%extra, \@operation_sequence])
75 0 1 unless close $fh
79 0 1 unless chdir $top_level
87 0 1 unless eval "require $package; 1"
105 12 2 if (not defined $symbol_type) { }
2 0 elsif ($symbol_type eq 'REF' or $symbol_type eq 'SCALAR') { }
107 12 0 if ($pointer_type eq 'GLOB') { }
0 0 elsif ($pointer_type ne 'SCALAR') { }
110 2 10 if (defined $reference)
115 1 11 if (defined $reference and not $symbol =~ /^\w+::$/)
145 0 1 if ($package->isa('Exporter'))
148 0 0 if (substr($symbol, 0, 1) eq '$')
161 1 0 if (reftype $typeglob eq 'GLOB')
179 0 25 if ($SuspendRecording)
202 1 24 if ($context) { }
12 12 elsif (defined $context) { }
221 1 24 if ($failed)
231 1 24 if ($failed) { }
1 23 elsif ($context) { }
11 12 elsif (defined $context) { }
248 1 10 defined $proto ? :
285 11 17 if (reftype $typeglob eq 'GLOB' and defined *{$typeglob;}{'CODE'})
299 4 0 unless (exists $full_ISA{$parent})
313 0 1 if not $done_writing