Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 24 70.8

line true false branch
83 0 2 unless $build->isa('Test::MasterData::Declare::CompareRow')
96 3 3 if (&blessed($fe) and $fe->isa('Test2::Compare::Base')) { }
3 0 elsif (ref $fe eq 'CODE') { }
114 3 1 $funcs[0] && &number($funcs[0]) ? :
119 1 3 if ($begin == $end)
129 0 10 unless &number($args{'got'})
131 9 1 $begin <= $args{'got'} && $args{'got'} <= $end ? :
142 0 2 if (ref $column eq 'CODE') { }
147 0 0 if &$column($row->row)
162 4 2 unless $delta
188 1 1 if (&blessed($f) and $f->isa('Test2::Compare::Base')) { }
1 0 elsif (ref $f eq 'CODE') { }