Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 71 0.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
186 0 0 carp('no map data found') and return 0
201 0 0 carp('no map data found') and return 0
205 0 0 carp('get_shortest_route() with no param') and return 0
207 0 0 carp('get_shortest_route() with one param') and return 0
209 0 0 carp('get_shortest_route() with two invalid params') and return 0
213 0 0 carp('get_shortest_route() with invalid to station') and return 0
215 0 0 carp('get_shortest_route() with invalid from station') and return 0
221 0 0 carp('name() returns incorrect map name') and return 0
225 0 0 carp('get_lines() returns incorrect line entries') and return 0
230 0 0 carp('get_stations() with no param' . Dumper($@)) and return 0
232 0 0 carp('get_stations() with invalid line name') and return 0
234 0 0 carp('get_stations() returns incorrect station entries') and return 0
239 0 0 carp('get_line_by_id() with no param') and return 0
241 0 0 carp('get_line_by_id() with invalid id') and return 0
244 0 0 carp($@) and return 0
248 0 0 carp($@) and return 0
250 0 0 carp('get_line_by_name() with invalid line name') and return 0
252 0 0 carp('get_line_by_name() with no param') and return 0
256 0 0 carp('get_node_by_id() with no param') and return 0
258 0 0 carp('get_node_by_id() with invalid node id') and return 0
261 0 0 carp($@) and return 0
265 0 0 carp('add_station() with no param') and return 0
267 0 0 carp('add_station() with invalid node object') and return 0
269 0 0 carp($@) and return 0
273 0 0 carp('get_node_by_name() with no param') and return 0
275 0 0 carp('get_node_by_name() with invalid node name') and return 0
278 0 0 carp($@) and return 0
289 0 0 carp('no map data found') and return 0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
183 0 0 0 defined $object and $object->does('Map::Tube')
197 0 0 0 defined $object and $object->does('Map::Tube')
217 0 0 0 $@ and carp($@)
286 0 0 0 defined $object and $object->does('Map::Tube')

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
173 0 0 0 $message || $error