Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 28 85.7

line true false branch
143 0 15 if @_ & 1
145 0 15 if (my(@unrecognized) = grep((!$Plan_Keys{$_}), keys %args))
149 4 11 if $args{'todo'}
150 1 14 if $args{'onfail'}
158 0 15 if defined &Win32::BuildNumber and defined &Win32::BuildNumber()
161 0 15 if defined $MacPerl::Version
174 1 12 if $$Self{'onfail'} and _is_failing($TB)
180 1 12 grep((!$_), $tb->summary) ? :
194 5 142 ref $v eq 'CODE' ? :
212 14 56 if ($$Self{'todo'}{$TB->current_test + 1})
217 19 51 if (@_ == 1) { }
4 47 elsif (defined $expected and $TB->maybe_regex($expected)) { }
236 6 1 if ($reason) { }
237 2 4 unless $reason =~ /\D/