Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 28 100.0

line true false branch
133 1 58 if @_ % 2
136 3 55 if ref $args{'test'} ne 'CODE'
138 1 54 if ref $args{'inputs'} ne 'ARRAY'
140 2 52 unless ref $args{'inputs'}[0]
144 2 60 if ref $inputs ne 'ARRAY' or @$inputs % 2
147 2 58 if defined $$inputs{'tcon'}
150 3 55 if $last_vars and $last_vars ne "@vars"
380 4 2 if grep {$_ eq 'NO_FILTER';} @_
388 120 572 defined $status ? :
687 5 if (defined $status ? $status : ($status = filter_read()))
389 42 645 if (s/ \#\# ( \[ .*? ) \#*\s*\]\#\# /'[' . _binding($1) . ']]}' . _body($1);/sex) { }
4 641 elsif (s/ \#\# ( \[.* ) /'[' . _binding($1);/sex) { }
4 637 elsif ($content and s/ ^(.*?)\#*\s*\]\#\# /_binding($1) . ']]}' . _body("$content$1");/sex) { }
4 633 elsif ($content) { }