Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 20 75.0

line true false branch
25 8 2 if (@args % 2 == 0)
48 1 1 unless $ENV{'_KWALITEE_NO_WARN'} or $ENV{'AUTHOR_TESTING'} or $ENV{'RELEASE_TESTING'} or (caller)[1] =~ m(^(?:\.[/\\])?xt\b) or (caller)[0]->isa('Test::Kwalitee') and (caller 1)[1] =~ m(^(?:\.[/\\])?xt\b)
78 120 180 if grep {$indicator->{$_};} @skip_flags
80 128 52 if @run_tests and not grep({$indicator->{'name'} eq $_;} @run_tests)
82 4 48 if grep {$indicator->{'name'} eq $_;} @skip_tests
100 1 47 unless ($Test->ok($metric->{'code'}->($dist), $subname))
111 1 0 if $metric->{'details'} and ref $metric->{'details'} eq 'CODE'
116 0 0 ref $dist->{'error'}{$subname} ? :
0 1 if defined $dist->{'error'} and defined $dist->{'error'}{$subname}
117 1 0 if @details