Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 24 91.6

line true false branch
34 11 34 if (grep {ref $_;} @to_include) { }
71 0 46 if ($Test::Builder::VERSION < 1.3 and $package eq 'strict' || $package eq 'warnings') { }
102 45 45 if ($caller_package ne $class)
114 16 29 if $test_kits_cache{$target}
144 40 6 unless $package_include_hashref->{'exclude'}
145 40 6 unless $package_include_hashref->{'rename'}
146 45 1 unless $package_include_hashref->{'import'}
196 0 46 unless $rename
210 869 976 if ($fake_refaddr and $real_refaddr and $fake_refaddr == $real_refaddr)
216 53 816 if (my $existing_refaddr = $test_kits_cache{$target}{$export}{'refaddr'}) { }
217 1 52 if ($existing_refaddr != $real_refaddr)
242 1 28 if ($import and not $uniimport && $import == $uniimport)