Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 28 64.2

line true false branch
70 18 17 if (@params < 2)
71 18 0 defined $_[0] ? :
95 66 0 defined $_[0] ? :
119 0 17 unless my $file = $self->_path(shift())
136 0 6 unless my $dir = $self->_path(shift())
155 0 21 unless my $file = $self->_path(shift())
157 1 20 unless my $content = 'File::Flat'->slurp($file)
173 0 18 unless my $file = $self->_path(shift())
174 0 18 if (-f $file and not -w $file)
175 0 0 unless &File::Remove::remove($file)
180 8 10 if ($rv and $self->readonly)
202 2 0 defined $_[0] ? :
204 1 1 if $self->exists_file($file)
222 4 1 $self->exists_dir($_[0]) ? :