Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 34 79.4

line true false branch
74 0 179 unless UNIVERSAL::can($dclass, 'can_handle') and UNIVERSAL::can($dclass, 'make_iterator')
80 179 0 unless grep {$_ eq $dclass;} @{$handlers;}
107 614 309 unless @_
108 1 308 unless ('HASH' eq ref $_[0])
117 12 304 unless @_
124 304 12 unless @_
166 3 5 if UNIVERSAL::can($dclass, 'can_handle') and UNIVERSAL::can($dclass, 'make_iterator')
171 3 2 if (my $e = $@)
176 2 0 if UNIVERSAL::can($dclass, 'can_handle') and UNIVERSAL::can($dclass, 'make_iterator')
201 0 307 unless defined $source->raw
208 0 307 if $source->meta->{'is_object'} and UNIVERSAL::isa($source->raw, 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler')
214 11 293 if $self->_testing
243 0 307 unless defined $source->raw
250 317 1228 if $confidence
253 2 305 unless (%confidence_for)
266 1 304 if (@handlers > 1 and $confidence_for{$handlers[0]} == $confidence_for{$handlers[1]})