Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 46 71.7

line true false branch
29 0 3 unless my $src_dir = shift()
32 0 3 unless (-d $src_dir)
38 0 3 unless dircopy($src_dir, $dst_dir->dirname)
46 0 11 unless my $dir1 = shift()
47 0 11 unless my $dir2 = shift()
52 9 2 unless defined $verbose
55 0 11 if ($ENV{'FIXIT'})
56 0 0 unless dircopy($dir1, $dir2)
67 0 11 unless ($have_two_folders)
79 16 7 if ($a)
81 9 7 if &any(sub { $_ eq $a_short; } , @ignore_files)
83 13 1 if ($b)
85 5 8 if &any(sub { $_ eq $b_short; } , @ignore_files)
88 1 8 if (not $b) { }
2 6 elsif (not $a) { }
94 2 4 if ($verbose)
95 0 2 if (-f $a and -d $b) { }
1 1 elsif (-d $a and -f $b) { }
108 7 4 unless (@differences)
120 0 2 unless my $filename = shift()
123 2 0 if ref $filename eq 'ARRAY'
125 1 1 if (-f $filename)
134 0 2 if (@{$rm_err;})