Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 32 40.6

line true false branch
7 0 1 if (*Test::Builder::new{'CODE'})
100 1 0 unless defined $name
111 0 1 unless defined $name
115 0 1 unless $Test->ok(!$@, "Test '${name}' completed")
116 0 1 unless $Test->ok(!length($prem), "Test '${name}' no premature diagnostication")
128 2 3 if (defined $$expect{$field})
140 0 1 unless defined $name
160 0 1 if (exists $$expect{'depth'})
166 1 0 if (defined $depth)
168 0 1 unless $Test->is_eq($$result{'depth'}, $depth, 'checking depth')
172 0 1 if (defined(my $exp = $$expect{'diag'}))
177 0 0 if length $exp and not $exp =~ /\n$/
178 0 0 if (not $Test->ok($$result{'diag'} eq $exp, "subtest '${sub_name}' of '${name}' compare diag"))
189 0 0 if ($want_space) { }
218 0 0 if ($c > 32 and $c < 125 or $c == 10) { }
256 0 2 if ($plan[$idx] eq 'import')