Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 46 58.7

line true false branch
30 0 14 unless (-x $DPKG)
35 1 13 unless (%dpkg_list)
37 0 1 unless ($pid)
54 0 13 unless my $list = &_pkg_list($name)
62 0 15 unless $pkg
64 1 14 unless exists $list->{$pkg}
65 0 14 unless $list->{$pkg} eq 'install'
67 4 10 unless $op
69 6 4 if $ok
80 0 1 unless my $list = &_pkg_list($name)
84 0 1 unless $pkg
86 1 0 unless exists $list->{$pkg}
87 0 0 unless $op
91 0 0 $res ? :
110 10 6 if ($op) { }
112 0 10 unless $op and $ver =~ /^[\d._-]+/
115 0 6 unless $pkg and length $str == length $pkg
117 0 16 if ($err)
129 0 10 unless ($pid)
135 0 10 if ($?)
141 10 70 if /^Version:\s+(.+)$/
143 0 10 unless ($inst_ver)
151 0 10 if ($r > 1)