Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 22 77.2

line true false branch
33 98 0 /^(?:Begin|Run|End|Endc|Filter)\s*(?:$|\()/ ? :
58 0 98 unless /^(\w+)\(\s*(\w+)\s*\)/
78 0 3 $filter =~ s/=(.*)$// ? :
82 1 2 if (defined &$function) { }
85 0 1 if (not @value or @value == 1 and $value[0] =~ /\A(\d+|)\z/)
93 0 2 unless $filter_object->can($filter)
112 14 63 if (@parsed == 1 and $parsed[0][0] eq 'filter')
145 53 34 unless exists $dispatch{$class} and exists $dispatch{$class}{$act} and exists $dispatch{$class}{$act}{$section}
186 2 3 unless $started{$block}
187 1 4 if (defined $block->description and $block->description ne $block->name)
192 4 1 if ($filters)