Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 44 84.0

line true false branch
18 11 1 defined $options ? :
40 10 1 if (defined $self->{'schema'}) { }
59 0 11 if (defined $self->{'glue'}) { }
91 8 2 unless $tb2_already_done_testing or $ENV{'TEST_AGGREGATE'}
105 3 19 unless (@{$self->{'methods'}{$method_type};})
116 22 32 if ($source->has_relationship($method)) { }
2 30 elsif ($method_type eq 'relations') { }
30 0 elsif ($method_type eq 'columns') { }
124 1 21 ref $cond_ref eq 'ARRAY' ? :
128 3 20 if ('CODE' eq ref $cond)
156 3 3 unless $proxy
157 1 2 if (grep /$method/, @$proxy)
164 1 0 if ($result->can($method) and $result->$method->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSet')) { }
175 27 3 if ($source->has_column($method))
188 1 4 unless $proxy
189 3 1 if (grep /$method/, @$proxy)
227 21 1 unless exists $self->{'methods'}{$method_type} and @{$self->{'methods'}{$method_type};}
257 2 20 scalar @diff == 1 ? :
264 0 22 if ($self->{'test_missing'}) { }
265 0 0 unless is_deeply(\@diff, [], "All known $method_type method$plural defined in test")
272 5 17 if (scalar @diff)
287 22 0 if (wantarray)