Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 51 58 87.9

line true false branch
71 2 7 if (defined $plan{'order'})
105 20 0 if @_ % 2 == 0
110 0 20 if keys %p or @_ % 2 == 1
122 7 13 if ($build and -r $build) { }
11 2 elsif ($makefile and -r $makefile) { }
131 0 11 unless open my $in, '<', $makefile
134 11 311 if (/^VERSION\s*=\s*(.*)\s*/)
140 0 11 unless close $in
142 11 2 if ($version) { }
165 1 12 if (@change_list > 1)
174 11 2 if ($change_file and $version)
175 0 11 unless open my $in, '<', $change_file
179 11 173 if (/^(\d|v\d)/) { }
11 162 elsif (/^\s+version: ([\d.]+)$/) { }
10 152 elsif (/^\* (v?[\d._]+)$/) { }
2 150 elsif (/^Version (v?[\d._]+)($|[:,[:space:]])/) { }
182 2 9 if $type and $type != 1
187 4 7 if ($version eq $cvers) { }
195 1 10 if $type and $type != 2
197 2 9 if ($version eq $1) { }
205 1 9 if $type and $type != 3
207 2 8 if ($version eq $1) { }
215 0 2 if $type and $type != 4
217 1 1 if ($version eq $1) { }
225 0 11 unless close $in
226 9 2 if ($found) { }
231 1 1 if (@not_found) { }
238 1 12 unless ($change_file)
250 6 3 if (not defined $test->has_plan)