Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 46 32.6

line true false branch
29 0 75 if (not $ENV{'RELEASE_TESTING'} || $ENV{'AUTOMATED_TESTING'}) { }
39 75 0 if (@_ & 1 and ref $_[0] and ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
43 0 0 if (@_ & 1)
54 0 75 if (exists $opt{'allow'} and exists $opt{'deny'})
58 150 0 if (not exists $opt{$type} && defined $opt{$type}) { }
60 0 150 if exists $opt{$type}
62 0 0 if (not ref $opt{$type}) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $opt{$type} ne 'Regexp') { }
65 0 0 if ($@)
88 1590 0 unless (exists $ENV{'PERL_APOCALYPSE'} and $ENV{'PERL_APOCALYPSE'})
89 0 1590 if (exists $opt{'allow'}) { }
0 1590 elsif (exists $opt{'deny'}) { }
90 0 0 if ($t =~ /^Test::Apocalypse::(.+)$/)
91 0 0 unless ($1 =~ /$opt{'allow'}/)
97 0 0 if ($t =~ /^Test::Apocalypse::(.+)$/)
98 0 0 if ($1 =~ /$opt{'deny'}/)
108 38 1552 if ($@)
112 0 38 if ($ENV{'RELEASE_TESTING'} or $ENV{'PERL_APOCALYPSE'}) { }
122 76 0 if ($t->can('_is_disabled') and $t->_is_disabled and not $ENV{'PERL_APOCALYPSE'})
128 342 1134 if ($ENV{'AUTOMATED_TESTING'} and not $ENV{'PERL_APOCALYPSE'} and $t->can('_do_automated') and not $t->_do_automated)
144 0 1060 if ($@)
148 0 0 if ($err->isa('Test::Builder::Exception'))